I have /had these symptoms Migranes,T... - Hughes Syndrome A...
I have /had these symptoms Migranes,Tia's pregnancy problems,dvt,etc what should I do next ? I'm 39 and fit but I'm confused and feel unwell
Hi there, if I can refer you back to your first enquiry, so a slight repeat here, I know this can be a bit overwhelming to take in, but maybe also tinged with relief if things are finally adding up for you and coming together. Firstly which medical practitioner do you feel best to approach, and if your GP is good I suggest that as the first port of call. Or maybe you already have a haematologist?
Below I suggested referring whoever to the HSF site and the medical papers, or you could print out, and or get your GP to refer you, which will depend on where you are located. Some of us have managed to get ourselves successfully referred to St Thomas' in London, and in other areas of the UK or other countries - people have found other paths to reliable care.
We can help you more if we have a little more detail, ie your location and if you are in a position to gain a referral and indeed get somebody to read what you have found in the way of information. Hope this is helpful. Mary F x
Hi Mary ,thanks for helping me
I live in Swansea but dont mind traveling to the moon to find an answer! I think that I need to see my GP with a list of my symptoms and a list of symptoms from the HSF they seem to have a strong link !, the only thing I worry about is sounding like a hypercondriact ,I hope my doctor has heard of this condition
Thanks again Mary you are keeping me going ! X
Please also show him/her the link to the Louise Coote Unit, at St Thomas;. guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/our-...
Just calmly chip away at it. Mary F x