Are there any support groups or meetings with people in similar situations in Northwest London?
Hughes Syndrome/APS Support Groups: I... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Hughes Syndrome/APS Support Groups: I have very little support at home and shortly starting warfarin treatment.

I hope you find a support group. However, we are an online community and may be able to offer you some support - please shout if you need anything - I am sure someone can help.
Take care
There's a London support group which means once a month at AMT coffee at St Thomas'. Next meeting is Wednesday September 21st at 5.30pm. The group is led voluntarily by Ann Sumra - if you want her contact details, please send me message.

Thanks Kate. It's difficult for me to get into central London during the week without taking time off work, are there any groups in the suburbs of London?
I know Paddy runs one in Hertfordshire/North London - I'm sure he'll get back to you once he sees your question.
Thank you all for your responses. Hopefully Paddy will tell me about the support group he runs.
Hi Stuart sorry for the late response been having PC troubles I must admit i have been a bit slack of late due to personal reasons but am in the process of trying to get a group meeting back up and running soon but if you want to chat or need help then please do email me I am happy to help
Hi Stewart
What do you do for work? And where do you live? I do have some members in North London on my list. The meeting is from 5.30 to 7pm, so you could come anytime. It was designed for people to come after work. We often stay later... it depends on what folk want. Kate has my details if you are interested.
I find it FANTASTIC meeting up with those who understand. It has been a lifesaver for me, and I always leave with a spring in my step. Try us once if you can! Knowledge is power.
Take care Ann
Hi Ann,
I work as an IT manager in Uxbridge but live in NW London, close to Jct 4 of the M1/Edgware. I have a slightly unusual home life in that I am father to 4 kids (two sets of twins). The first set (both boys) are six years old and the 2nd set (boy/girl) are 10 weeks old. This is primarily one of my reasons for being apprehensive about the Warfarin treatment as I don't want to miss out on all the activities I do with my kids such as the rough and tumble in the garden and waterslides on holiday.
So, I very much welcome the opportunity to attend a group and agree that knowledge is power! Please can you let me know whereabout your meeting is held (which area) and when the next one is?
Hi Ann (smallvoice), I certainly agree with you that knowledge is power as you know it is my favourite saying. Hopefully Stewart will live near enough London to be able to attend your London Hughes support group meetings.
Hi Stewart
As Kate said, the next meeting is September 13th at St Thomas Hospital.
If you are interested i will post more details.
Hi Hazel...... hope you didn't mind the quote! I should have mentioned you!
Take care Ann