Hi Jet
Home and up and about, take it easy, no doing too much, the witches are watching!!!
Excellent news!!
Hope you are feeling ok, get well soon!!! You are missed!!
Take care gentle hugs love Sheena xxxxxx
Hi Jet
Home and up and about, take it easy, no doing too much, the witches are watching!!!
Excellent news!!
Hope you are feeling ok, get well soon!!! You are missed!!
Take care gentle hugs love Sheena xxxxxx
Ah! Great news Jet! keep it up. Big Hug
Morning all- O well up and moving around, QUITE STIFF slow on the draw ?? gotta get unpacked -sort bandages etc. read my do's and dont's , i signed that i read them - but really didnt. had great nurses, they weere going to move my room BUT my gal.s straightened that out quick-- i had to walk [ didnt want to] but i picked up some boxes of {junior mints ] and used them for bribing purposes. we went to see all the woman that help me make it work , and there are many, they called ahead to the other offices to let them know i was coming . it was great. everyone had mints!!!!! thanks to all , Mary the laural and hardy things were great . Suzy the bunny pic was rite on- thats just what my nurses called m e { the everready bunny} . one nurses confinded me to my bed and gave my therapist the evil eye ( no more walking today], she was rite thou, i did to much and paid the next day when meds wore off. not taking any pain meds now, going to see if i can go without them, not a big pill fan???!!!! got nurse coming in a couple of hours , gotta get showered and dressing changed -- thanks again to you all- still reading not done yet -------------------- peg leg
Jet jet jet!
sooooo happy to hear you !!!
Trust you to go to bribing the staff..........lol...you are the ever ready bunny
Hey you be a good boy for that nurse....& don't give Mary any trouble! & bless Jessica for keeping me informed on your progress too
All the best in your recovery & keep well & happy bud
Good to hear from you Uncle bunny,
I mean it take it easy! I really don't have the energy to swim the Atlantic!! Rubbish at swimming anyway!!!!
Good on the nurses and all your women, ooh that sounds bad hon!!
Take care, be good, gentle hugs love Sheena xxxxx
So glad you are on this side of the procedure and doing well. Gina
Welcome home Jet, glad you doing so well, take it easy eh! If you need extra mints, ill send some over. Much love. Jane xx
Well all getting around better, dont need crutches unless there isnt anything to grab should i lose my balance. some black and blue today ? will show nurse Betty today when she changes my bandages, then i'll be doing it my self every other day i guess. for the next week. o qwell got to get my butt into the rain room ,she will be here in about 1/2 hour . will get back to you all ----------- gimpy benny bunny.
Congratulations - that sounds like a winning attitude to recover from all this trauma. Take care and listen to your body, sometimes to mind thinks you can do more than the body can allow!!