I know this site is set for UK - but wondering if there are any other Canadians out there on this APS site
Any Canadians out there other than me? - Hughes Syndrome A...
Any Canadians out there other than me?
Yup! I'm from Vancouver!
ok - any troubles with doc's out there?
I'm From Ontario Canada. I was recently diagnosed, my dr knows of Hughes but doesn't seem to know much. He has referred me Dr Kovacs, hematologist with the London Health Science Hospital. I have not been to see him yet.
He will be the 4th hematologist I've seen. Years ago after my PE in early 20's I went to see one who ran a few tests and found nothing had me on warfarin for 8 months. I saw the second one during my pregnancy 2 years ago who treated with heparin & wanted to treat with life long warfarin and not bother with testing. He was very rude and wouldnt tell me much i asked for a new one. Third one said don't bother with testing or thinners chances are ur fine. Lol
My GP ran the APS tests and refered me to The specialist. Let's hope this one can help me. I have never encountered a doctor yet that is knowledgeable about APS. It's very frustrating.
Where are you from?
My wife has been dealing with APS since she was 16 when she was diagnosed... was showing signs at 13... been through 4 misscarrages... for the past year she has spent most of it at Kingston General Hospital... that is where her Rumetologist is - Dr. Toeheed - we are waiting to see a Hemetologist in Hamilton McMaster medical Dr. Crouthers - he has been doing some breakthrough studies on Anticoagulation - Jenni my wife has CAPS - which is a Catastrophic end to APS... her medical history is extencive... and is used at Queens University for case studies... I hope you find what you need - I would as your doc. to see if you can get in with Dr. Couthers in Hamilton McMaster medical center - he right now is our last resort before getting out of country medical help...
Hi Skylark,
The scene isn't much better here on the west coast. I was recently in touch with the people at London Bridge, where Dr. Hughes is. They said, short of going to London (which I am considering seriously) the best person in Canada is in Quebec: Dr. Paul Fortin. (Does some work in Toronto as well) I've heard from many on this site, that the trip to London was invaluable, although if travel is an issue, as it is for many, you may be better off trying Dr. Fortin first. Wishing you success and courage from Vancouver....
Yes, I am in the Kingston area.
Yes - Canadian, but "temporarily" (20+ yrs) working in the U.S. d
what is your Medical care like in the US!
On one hand, "service" is speedier. However, the direct cost "off of your pay cheque" ("check" here!) of one's medical plan is disconcerting. Saying that, I do recognize that care costs in Canada are largely "masked" by being funded by taxation. Thus, I can't say how the true costs of each compare. As in Canada, quality varies by size of city and hospital. There is competition for care here - hospitals advertise for patients. I think that might increase health care costs somewhat, because everybody wants to go to the hospital with all the latest equipment, centers, buildings, etc. There's a growing lack of general practitioners as well, because specialists fare better financially. The costs of educating doctors are steep - but again, I can't compare how a finishing Canadian med student's debt would compare. d
Well done you lot Mary F x
I'm a Canadian from Ontario. And I am looking for a doctor to help me.