HI All
My company is referring me to the Occupational Health within the company. Could any advise if they have been through the same procedure and how to handle this?
Thank you
HI All
My company is referring me to the Occupational Health within the company. Could any advise if they have been through the same procedure and how to handle this?
Thank you
my wife who has APS - is a nurse - and has been not working for almost 3 years - she fills out her forms every 6 months and she is good.... but what is the reason they want you to go Occ. Health?
It is because I have had so many days of work with one thing and another.
From Time to time I have had Migraines and 2 chest infections with in 10 weeks and have alot of fatague. I do every thing in my power to cope with what we suffer from, most week end I sleep through so that I am able to work and missing out important events through the week.
I am really fed up with not having a life and my family is getting this way too,.
Hi there Stannington-Lad
I have been through this - be honest, upfront and tell them how you feel - your company, legally should and i do say should make what is termed as "reasonable" by that it mean cost wise for them and also for you and for their needs as a company - make reasonable adjustments to your daily work if your illness (which does fall under the equality act, as was the disability act) is having a detrimental affect on your health. They cannot legally take your illness against you. How do I know this, I used to be a Health and Safety Officer if that helps, what job do you do? - but if you would like further info, happy to answer here or on a private message.
Be happy, be healthy
Hi Lesley_D
I work in an office on a PC. My manager has reduced my work load and put me on a shift that helps. I know that this is an easy job as you are sat down, but as you know when you feel tired or I have a slight Migraine can cause issues especially when I start with short term memory loss or numbness down one side or in the face plus the aches and pains.
I don't think that the Occupational Health will know what is what. I have supplied my manager with the drugs that I am taking and that I have to attend every 3 months for my Vitamin B12 injection and any other visits to the GP in which he allows.
Over the 3 years they have been patient and considerate and now the referral. I was wondering whether to ask my GP to be referred to Thomas's, even though I have already been diagnosed to see if they can help and put any light on my other ailments and to see if they can guide me through what I can and not do at work as my GP is very limited and was my consultant.
I was asked if the occupational health Doctor could see some of my Hospital records with my permission he did. Which made him realize along with letters from my Doctors I have been accepted for early medical retirement.Sad I really loved my job Karen xx
being ill and vulnerable with added stress that inevitably will exascerbate our symptoms i find it ever so frustrating we have to push gain evidence spend hours on our lap tops just to be heard when at the end of the day its like entering a lucky dip whether you get an attentive occ health doctor who will learn about the conditions he is expected to pass judgement on or a doctor who just the opposite! i ve had experience of the 2 sorts of occ h doctors the second remains in post although staff are refusing to see him!!!
Good luck stan do you have union representation? HR are good but are paid by your employer they need to make sure things dont get missed etc so left open to be sued by i am about to enter a similar situation as now in half pay and will ring my union for advice - humans have some benefits over computers but computers cant be biased i guess or have there own personal thoughts on a matter whether these are objective or subjective!! kathy xx
Stan, If you are working on a computer, this is and can be just as hard work. Plus they should be considering giving you extra breaks, (even if only 5 mins) so allow you to walk around, 1, because of circulation and 2 for your eye strain and migrains. If you look on the Hughes website you can access through here, there is a believe something you could print off to take to occy health. You could also give them the website address for them to access the information themselves.
Asking your GP for a referal to St Thomas's is a good idea too, I have been
Also as Kathy said you company cannot hold you illness against you and their ignorance of you illness would not be acceptable in court.
After 13 months off sick following a DVT, then PE's and lung damage I went back to work, I had also to see Occy health who confirmed APS is covered under the "Equality Act" Then 2 weeks after going back to work, my company stated I was up for redundancy "Convenient hey" anyhows, I am currently seeking advice about taking them to Employment Tribunal based on Disability Discrimination - It seems I have a pretty good case.
I will have a look around see if I can find the info for you on the Hughes website too.
Good luck, don't forget you are right and they cannot discriminate because your needs have changed because you are sick.
HI All
Thank you for all your answers. This is very encouraging and to know that I am not alone. It is just like a big family here, all in the same boat.
Hi Stan - the advice you have been given above is all good so I'm not going to repeat it but there are one or two things I can add.
As part of reasonable adjustments they could cut your hours still further. They could look at the type of work that you are doing to see if it is triggering migraines or even the lighting around your desk. They should do a proper desk assessment to make sure that your chair and desk has been set up properly so that you have no strain on your neck and back etc which can in turn affect your posture. This in itself can trigger migraines. They should allow you to be getting up every 10 minutes for short "stretch" breaks, this is to get your circulation going and can be as simple as a walk to the photocopier etc. Your company could also set aside a quiet room for you to go to if you get a migraine or the start of one whilst at work so that you have more chance of recovery and be able to return to work rather than go home. This is a bit like a breast feeding room for mothers who have to express milk whilst at work.
Any sickness you have had which is down to your condition (in this case APS) cannot be counted towards any sickness absence policy your company has in place. So for instance all the fatigue and migraines cannot be counted. If you have had flu then that can be counted but if the flu turned into a major infection or was prolonged because of your weakened APS then again it cannot be counted. If you strain your ankle then thats not related to it so can be counted. I hope you are getting my drift!
Is your OH in house or are you being sent somewhere externally? If its in house try and ask someone else who has been to see them what they are like. Usually what happens is they will ask you how your condition is affecting you and this is your chance to suggest the reasonable adjustments you require. Your company has a duty of care towards you whilst your at work but will also have to balance that against their financial abilities. Most companies will then write (with your permission) to your GP for a medical report from your GP. You have a right to see this and even contribute to its contents. So once you know this is going to happen contact your GP and tell him/her that you want to discuss the report and you don't want it to go before you've seen and signed it.
As others have said above, if you are not a member of a union and your company has that facility I strongly suggest you join and ask for their help. In these situations and in this climate you need the backing of people who do this type of thing all the time.
If your GP is struggling with knowledge of APS then you should definitely be referred to St Thomas, not only could they get you better symptom control but they may also help with a more informed report on your condition AND it always looks good to an employer that you are under the care of a specialist unit at a Hospital.
Good Luck.
Hughes patient such brilliant useful advice i will certainly use and take ideas from as i am about to go into half pay. I had to fight my corner when i had a phased return last year and that's within the nhs who you would think should know better, i had lip service support, and i too provided as much info on my condition but from my experience managers are focused on £££££ so know i have written to hr polite email copying in occ health and my neurologist so know from the start if i dont know all the facts i certainly will look into everything i mentioned using the support of my union hopefully they wont try to let me down i want what i am entitled too - ive paid national insurance for 30 years - as im getting older i cant help but get more angry and assertive!! normally i dont like to upset people but this illness as taught me you got to be strong dont trust any ones word always do your own homework and ask to be kept fully in the picture.
hopefully thinking the worst i might have a supportive hr and not face a battle i really dont need right now.
kathy xx