I am on lovenox injections and warafin. The right side of my stomach is badly bruised and i have 2 bumps that hurt when you touch them. Is this normal?
Lovenox injections cause bumps - Hughes Syndrome A...
Lovenox injections cause bumps

I go on Lovenox every time I need surgery, so I know what you are saying. I get the most colorful stomach!!!! And yes sometimes I get the bumps that are very sore. I was told it's quite normal for this to happen. Good luck to you.
HI -I had lovenox injections in 1909 because of the number of clots that i had . they were given in abdomen ,were sore but no swelling like you are saying? I got them every 4 hours for a week, and that was along with the coumadin also.maybe the needle wasnt in enough ?? better have it checked--- jet
Thanks Tiger and Jet!I I have an appointment with my rhematolgist today and another appointment to get my inr levels checked!I will keep you posted.
Hi Tandsmith,
Yes these injections are a pain and can casue the bruising and bumps i was told that they can cause this if the injection are not done fully, not saying you are but you can have a look and how did your appointmnet go?
Hi, you can also get lumps if u inject in the same area. They go down eventually but are painful, also lump if neddle not fully in. Hope appointment went ok,
Yes, heparin injections can cause 'plaques' on the inside of your stomach. I found that moving the injections around all the fatty areas (bum, thighs and all over the stomach) helped.
No one really tells you when you take the injections home - just to take them in the stomach. The problem is that you tend to do one side one day, then the other the next. This causes build up on either side of your stomach which can prevent the heparin from absorbing properly, so it is important that you try to move the site of the injection as much as possible.
The lumps can stay for several months but do eventually dissipate (well, I found that but am not sure about everyone else?)

Yes to lumps from Lovenox along with bruises. It came as a real surprise till I rad the fine print that came with Lovenox. I moved the site and followed all of the directions, having my husband administer the shots. It was very spooky. I've been on Coumadin for 15 years but this is the first time Lovenox was given to me after surgery (and maybe the last) as who needs lumps and bruises when I have Factor 5 Liden disorder and blood clots are a real issue.

So heparin and lovenox are different. Heparin can be given in those places but lovenox can only be given in the abdomen due to the chemical make up and its absorption rate. Lovenox like heparin should be rotated but with lovenox only in the quadrants of the abdomen
Well I never knew that Kate! Been merrily injecting away in the tummy, as you say either side and only go to the thigh if I'm looking a bit bruised. The one thing I do notice though is when you go back to an area that has "healed" it does not seem to hurt there so much, almost feels a bit numb. Are you saying those areas will not absorb so well now?
Am not sure whether feeling numb means you would have a plaque there - you can normally feel whether it's tougher or not. I just try to go around everywhere as much as possible. You can really notice if you have a hard plaque though - it may be that it doesn't affect people in the same way?
Hello everyone!I went to the doctor yesterday, my level was a 1.2 so they increased my cumadin. I thought I was done with injections, but apparently I have to keep up with them. the doctor who manages my blood didn't know that APS was called Hughes Syndrome. She had no idea, so I said to myself, uh oh!!Thanks for all of the help. I try to switch sides of my stomach everytime I inject.
I had to inject my stomach for 30 days with Lovenox. You could almost play "connect the dots" on my belly. I had numerous hematomas (bumps) that really hurt, and black and blues too. It took about another 3 weeks after I was off the injections, but they all disappeared.
I have been on lovenox with my last pregnancy and my current one all 9 months plus 6 weeks after. My second pregnancy was heparin, 3rd was heparin till I developed a clot from poor monitoring then we went to lovenox, and this one is highly monitored by a hematologist 100 mg twice a day. 10.5 months of blood thinning shots! Sigh they hurt!!
What is the treatment?
I just completed my course of lovenox shots and also have the bumps and bruises. However I noticed that the ones I gave at home arent as bad because of the advice of one nurse that I am grateful for... LOVENOX..... LOVE HANDLES!! the bruising is much smaller n heals quicker!