inr result today of 7.92 and have had serious headache for four days at local A&E at the moment will the high INT bee causing a four day serious headache or unrelated? Anyone know as sitting here very bored and with staff who do not even appear to know what APS is let alone Cerebral APS
high inr : inr result today of 7.92 and... - Hughes Syndrome A...
high inr

yes, I can have headaches with too high an INR.
You definitely need to rule out a bleed. ( and get inr into a safer zone. )
Let us know how you are.
Kelly thanks for that brain CT was clear do been treated for the high INR and now still waiting to see medical specialist to find the cause of the headache I hope.
How are you doing?
I hope they find out what is causing that, and you return to normal levels as soon as possible and lose that beastly headache. Kelly is right, rule out a bleed, this is important. MaryF
I’m having a rough time with bouts of medium grade tests to two sets of lending in my hip- spontaneous. Plus muscle tears,
It caused compartment syndrome.
It’s due to a genetic connective tissue disease I was found to have called Loeys- Dietz syndrome.
I’m also dealing with “large peri vascular spaces” in the brain- abnormal. Diagnosed as small vessels disease- looking into something called Supranuclear Parkinson’s, likely the symptoms are down to loeys Dietz and optic nerve atrophy.
My vision is disastrous, I can’t move my eyes well- and they “tremor.”
I’ve had this problem for about 4 years but in the last 18 months it’s become very pronounced.
I’m so sorry to hear of your continuing issues. People without auto immune problems don’t know how lucky they are. I’m now being investigated for Ankylosing spondylitis due to the severe back pain. My INR reduced no bleed and headache less severe and I get my second cataract fixed next week. Look after yourselves as well as you can. Xx
So glad it was not a brain bleed. ( must always be checked, as you know but must be said.)
My tying is becoming difficult, therefore proofreading also.
Above should have read medium grade tears to tendons/ muscles.
Yes- auto immune is a bear. I learned that the genetic mutation I had ( TGFB3) was the cause of the immune disregulation.
Kelly no answers to mine yet and don’t worry about your writing if it wasn’t for spell check and mostly auto correct my missives would be unintelligible. My psioratic arthritis causes antitheses so pain everywhere tendons and ligaments attach and my memory span due to brain damage from my cerebral APS is so bad it’s almost non existent. But been told although it’s degenerative it’s not dementia or Alzheimer’s so that’s ok but best neurologists and research neurologists at the Hospital at queens square London can’t tell me anything else. I can only plan and live in the future can’t look back anymore so keep making same mistakes over and over to the annoyance of my wife! I’m thinking of taking a bet whether my Brain (APS) lungs (COPD) heart or general body will get me first!! Ya gotta laugh or you’d go mad
yes I can relate to that with recent experience.Hope you soon have INR under control again and headaches go
And do seek out the cause of uou INR spike. Diet, (anything new?) Or s change in med dosage or brand? I have noticed over my 20+ yesrs on warfarin that I ginger can raise my INR, so, I have to use restraint when munching on sushi which can be served with bits of ginger. ( One slice is OK as long as I counter it with some of thst high K wasabi. But No to a 2nd slice. ) And there are discrepancies among varying warfarin brands. Some stay clearly on thst dosage mark. Others stay in the vicinity of labeled dosage. .
Gina thanks for that ive never been aware of ginger causing spikes. Thats probably it then as I have been munching loads of ginger nuts as its one of the only biscuits I can taste as I can longet taste a thing due to the continual damage to my brain. So thats the end of them then and wished I had read your reply earlier today as just had two teas and ate far too many. Will keep away from them and maybe just have one occasionally. So once agian thanks for your comment. Paul
Here in The States its still morning. I'm on my first green tea.