Hi, is anyone having lung / muscular pain in upper right quadrant. I was diagnosed with APS almost nine years ago and am really suffering with pain under my ribs in around my lung area, this is much worse after light exercise and usually worse when lying down. This has been on going for almost two years and ultrasound scan and blood tests have not shown anything unusual. Another telephone call with my GP in a couple of weeks and I’m going to ask again to be referred back to APS specialist.
APS and lung/muscular pain: Hi, is... - Hughes Syndrome A...
APS and lung/muscular pain

Has costochondritis been ruled out?
Hi KellyinTexas, I’ve just googled this condition and it doesn’t sound like my symptoms. My pain is more under the ribs front and back rather than chest pain. When I’ve done medium exercise and relax the pain is more lung area and even turning over in bed is excruciating. It feels like a brick in my rib cage front and back but the next day it’s almost gone. 🤷♀️🤷♀️ thanks for suggestion.
Yes, I get this, and it's getting worse, I've got to have heart scan to see how well my lungs are functioning, can't even do light exercise with this pain
It is possible for ribs to slip. It’s very painful. Almost impossible to sleep on the side. I have this problem. Many doctors do not believe this happens. But it does. Sometimes it’s called slipping rib syndrome. I go to a chiropractor who helps slip mine back in place. Sometimes it takes several visits to get the rib to stay in place. It’s awful. It took me many years to figure it out.
Hi Raw57, does this happen after medium exercise? I’m not too bad whilst I’m on the go but as soon as I relax or lie down it’s really painful. I’ll ask my GP about this thank you. 😊
I’m not exactly sure what causes rib subluxation but I do think physical activity can contribute to it but that does not stop me from walking, gardening or practicing yoga. My rib cage is congenitally misshapen. And, I had my 1st and 2nd ribs resectioned due to subclavian vein DVTs. But if you research it you will see people without a deformed rib cage have slipping ribs. But chest and rib pain regardless of the cause is draining.
I get wheeze pain in left chest sometimes at night, when lie down, and as breathe in.Particularly at the end of breathing in.
Had chest X ray clear, but not at the same time of experiencing symptom (during day get this happening less). I'm thinking there may be a partial restriction due to inflammation causing stridor.
It is away from the rib/ breast bone joints (I get inflammation here after using my arms more - eg moving shopping trolley - so know it is different).
Thanks for your reply.
This does sound similar to my pain although I don’t get a wheezing pain or sound. It’s very painful after exercise and as you’ve described pushing shopping or pulling and lifting objects. Thanks I’ll research this. 😊
I think the shifting heavy shopping trolley around gives me Costochondritis.
Mild Bronchiectasis might be causing the sensation inside my chest - breathing out whilst lying down. You have got me thinking. ..
' Active cycle of breathing techniques' deep breathing and huffing can clear fluid caused by inflammation that is inside the chest.
I'm going to see if I can do this to clear the weird sensation top left of my chest. ..it feels inside my chest rather than between bones..
Thanks for posting - you have encouraged me to understand this better..
I think breathing in damp air, in the bath, helps so the feeling inside may be an airway thing..

Hi, I have had this in the past also in the middle between my ribs, it was really painful and one locum GP suggested it was Costochondritis, this was years and years ago, it did settle down, but I had a large amount of magnesium baths which seemed to help everything relax. MaryF
Hi MaryF.
I have googled this today but it doesn’t really fit with my symptoms. I’m sure it is connective tissue or muscle problems but I’m going to ask my GO to refer me back to rheumatologist as I only see my GP for my INR. I’m wondering if it’s autoimmune condition. Thank you for your suggestion. 😊
So sorry to read about your troubles. In some of the replies they mention slipped ribs. My GP calls it floating ribs and it is painful! A week can go by without any problem and then it happens three times or so a day! . Unexpected movements .. like picking something up and stretching oneself can cause the ribs to stick out. I have two .. one at the bottom and one top right. Try standing up straight and lift both your arms as much as you can and then lean backwards … sticking your rib case out. After a few minutes you can feel that the ribs settle back in although it can be quite sore for a bit. At home is no problem but was in a restaurant last week and dropped my napkin! I did not really care about other guests but they did give me funny looks! Please try it out. Take care.