How fast does Vitamin K food affect INR?
How fast does it affect INR - Hughes Syndrome A...
How fast does it affect INR
May alter from person to person but if I have a too high INR I take 10 Brusselsprouts and they will take down the INR in 15 hours. It depends on the INR and how much greens you take and also who you are probably. I think it is more difficult to get the INR up again with greens.
Yes! That’s good to know about your average time and amount. I am still having a hard tim getting my INR up. It is hovering at around 2 with 10mg I am completely taking vitamin K out just to see if the small salad I was eating was a problem. Also going to ask to be tested for the enzyme that Kelly mentioned. He increased me to 10/15/10/15/10/15 but I am nervous and wanted to try this first😳
Please see my last post a few days ago regarding genetic testing for a genetic polymorphism for warfarin. It can alter how you metabolize warfarin. I suggest you ask your Hematologist to be tested for this panel.
In the meantime I suggest to increase the dose as your Hematologist suggests. I would have a vein draw three times a week. Mon/ Wed/ Fri. During this time.
I really do not want to take out the VK foods. Y’all are right! I am going to request(aka demand) the test. I tend to be a stubborn, strong headed person 🙈 so I wanted to see for myself...I know not smart. I haven’t had VK in four full days, at the same dosage of 10mg and my INR has not changed and still at 2. I would think if I had too much K I was eating, my INR would have increased after 96 hours without. So, I am going to do what the dr said with the increase and go back to my normal small amount of K I was eating. It is almost like I went through so much of my own investigating of my health when trying to find out what was wrong that I have such a distrust of drs. So unfortunately I felt I needed to see myself. Stupid and dangerous of me. Going to look at your post Kelly. Thank y’all!
I also had a little extra wine last night to see if that made my INR go up...nothing.