Hi I know we all have antiphosoloipid syndrome & all the unusual and horrible things that this brings with it. I just wondered if anyone has ever had a platlet problem too ( storage pool disease ) this causes prolonged bleeding so make the clotting caused by APS more difficult to treat. I think it might be a totally separate unrelated thing from APS, but I'm not sure? I wondered if anyone has any thing similar and how it has been managed. Thanks
Bleeding disorders alongside APS - Hughes Syndrome A...
Bleeding disorders alongside APS

Hi, my late father would have had Hughes Syndrome/APS and he also had Thromboyctopenia. My daughter has Hughes Syndrome/APS and Lupus, and when she was very small had episodes of Henoch Schonleinpurpura, this is all linked to the bigger picture.
Thank you so much for posting this Mary. Very interesting I just never realised there was a connection between the two .. Can I ask if you don't mind if either your father or daughter took warfarin. Thanks
My father was on Warfarin, my daughter is on Plaquenil and Aspirin. MaryF
Thanks again, you don't know how much this has helped. In 30years no one has ever told me there is a connection so I have felt quite alone & scared at times taking warfarin with a bleeding disorder. I feel quite relieved that it can all part & parcel of APS. Thank you
I have reduced activated protein C (LIeden V) which is completely unrelated to APS and also causes clotting. Just lucky, I guess...... glad you are feeling better about it all, it helps to connect with knowledgeable people like Mary.
Regards, Julie
Hi yes i've had thrombocytopaenia for 30 years and then i started with Aps. It's well documented that there is a connection .all the best Elfie
Thank you so much for all your kind replies. You learn something new all the time with this illlness. Initially they said there was no connection so I just took it as a separate condition but that was many many years ago. I am going to ask them to clarify exactly what disorder I have. They have always just said storage pool disease but that covers lots of disorders I think? I always have low WBC and low neutrophils so wondering if it's thrombocytopenia That must be tough Julie having two clotting problems. One is quite hard enough to deal with. I think we all amazing they way we learn to live with everything our health throws at us at times. Take care & thanks again
I have Factor V Leiden, Factor VIII, Activated Protein C, Hyperhomocysteinemia, and Mixed Hyperlipidemia. I feel like a walking time bomb...
Hi Michielson,
I must admit that I do not know about Factor V Leiden, Factor VIII, Activated Protein C, Hyperhomocysteinemia and finally Mixed Hyperlipidemia.
With all those diagnoses I hope you have a really good and knowledgeable Doctor and I wonder if you also have been diagnosed with Hughes Syndrome and have the symptoms of our illness?
I know some members here with Factor V Leiden together with our HS/APS.
Are you on anticoagulation for your symptoms?
Best wishes from Kerstin in Stockholm
Yes thrombocytopenia *idiopathic meant not caused by anything i think
That’s correct. Sometimes a viral infection can preceded ITP.
When I was 18 months old they called it idiopathic TP.
Now when that occurs my understanding is the “I” stands for Immune. So in absence of a known pathogenic cause, it’s assumed to be ,” Immune Thrombocytopenia.”
This is how my doctors have explained it to me. How the acronyms and understanding have now evolved.