Well I'm back from my holiday l been to the jewellers to see if they would reimburse or Change the SOS bracelet but they declined because I lost my receipt . So it looks like i Have to buy another but made of stainless steel then perhaps it won't tarnish or Change my skin colour .I'm not keen on medic alert bracelets because you need to change your records everytime there is a change of meds. Elfie
SOS bracelet: Well I'm back from my... - Hughes Syndrome A...
SOS bracelet

I hope you have better luck with the next one! MaryF
I remember you had a problem and I'd like to suggest that you coat the bracelet in clear nail varnish. I know it's a bit fiddly but my daughter does this to all her ear rings to prevent allergy rash. Worth a try if they won't come to the party and refund. If you have a credit card statement showing the amount they should accept this a s proof of payment. If it was cash -then no cigar
I have a MedicAlert and they have ID's that are coated so they don't tarnish or discolor.
It's super easy to change meds, online or by phone. On my ID I list the main issues and they send a new wallet card.
I've only had to change the bracelet itself a couple of times. Since the bracelet is only $9, it isn't a big problem.
Good luck!
I have a "medic alert" bracelet and need only update it for something major. I rec'd the "crystal" one but wish I would have gotten something more durable as some of the stones have cracked off. I was told to just call into a number and they would add/ update my medical recorded there for me when needed, so it would be avail to any HCP ( health care provider) especially in the case of an emergency when not in my local area. I travel out of the country sometimes so this makes me feel more secure. I hope this assists you with any decision ...best of wishes to you!
Hi wittycjt. I was looking at a SOS talisman that looked just like a watch,but then I thought in an emergency they would mistake it for a watch.Anyway I saw a chrome covered bracelet which looks quite nice so I might go for that. Thanks a lot for replying. All the best Elfie