I am going back to see Dr Arvind Kaul at st Georges hospital in four weeks. He was really nice and understood everything. Things are looking up xx
Had my appointment with rheumatologis... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Had my appointment with rheumatologist. It went very well. I had blood tests and chest xray and am booked in for an MRI.
Is this your APS-doctor who you have found at last? Then that sounds very good.
Yes it is. Im glad I pushed to get referred to him even though it took 5 months xx
I am sure it will be worth your waiting! Only that he understands what you say may be enough to begin with.
That's encouraging as I am on his waiting list. Referral was made 8 weeks ago, so looks like I'm in for a long wait. May I ask how much notice you got of the appointment as we're trying to get holidays sorted.
Was it your GP who did a referral or was it you private? Here it is always faster if you get a referral from a doctor .
Why do you not call them and ask how long time it may take?
You can't see an NHS consultant without a GP referral.
My GP told me last week to wait a while before chasing things up as St George's is a very busy hospital and some clinics are very oversubscribed.
I thought you could go private to an APS-doctor? Are there NHS Consultants on the list for APS-doctors?
It looks like we have quite another systeme in Sweden. It is a shame that I do not live in England when it comes to understand your systeme.
Otherwise when we are very sick here we can have a specialist. When you have paid the first 2.000 Skr it does not cost anyting more for that year. That goes for all sorts of GPs or Specialists.
The same with medicin. The first 2.000 Skr then it does not cost more that year.
Our selftesting Machines and strips are for free here for those in the Stockholm area.
Unless you have insurance you have to pay to go privately and that can cost hundreds of pounds, thousands if you need surgery.
We no longer have insurance since my husband retired. But it was not ideal anyway as a lot of times they would not pay, especially if Hughes related.
Most NHS consultants do private work as well. Prof Hughes used to see patients on the NHS until he retired as an NHS consultant.
I had to buy my self test machine; some get prescriptions for the strips, but my health authority won't. Just given 12 for the year and have to buy the rest.
Private insurance can also be costly. Ours was subsidised when my husband was working, but to get the same benefits when he retired the company wanted a ridiculous amount of money so we didn't sign up.
After waiting 3 months I went back to gp and she got back on to his secretary and they said I would hear within 6 weeks which I did. I got my appointment letter on Christmas eve. I hope U get appointment soon and he helps u. He was really nice and so was the doctor from his team I saw first. She took all my history and symptoms and checked me over. Good luck xxx
Thanks. My GP told me it would probably be quite a wait so I'll leave it another few weeks and ask him again.
It'll be worth the wait though. Haven't seen an APS consultant since 2012 when I was discharged from St Thomas.
I'm raising my mug of morning tea in a congratulatory toast. Cheers!
Thank U it made me feel so much better having spoken to him. Especially having the MRI xx

Well done, I am pleased things are progressing for you, and that your appointment was so useful. MaryF
Hi can I ask you question ? How much did it cost to see Dr Kaul as waiting till after summer if docs don't listen I'll go to London .., I'v to see ddermatologist in may
.but that doctor name came up as I asked other website