hi on my question blog i wrote about pulpertions and i get them all the time and in my sleep.anywhay went to docters and to my suprise he had heard of aps.he said my fast heart could be axiaty or other things but is refering me to a heart specilist. it is heard to st
result??: hi on my question blog i... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Hi chapman, I copied this link from KateH's post, confirming that forums like this one, can indeed help out, questions answered, what works and what does not. I hate starting a GP appointment with ' i read this on the Internet..... ' , but since I joined this forum, I have felt more confident about what's going on with me, not that I like it, but I find it reassuring that there are others out there! Certainly over the last few days I have gotten a lot of support from you guys, and I think that can be more helpful than anything else!!! Sarahx
thank aps. this site has been my life line throughout my illness and failed marrage. when we cant get the right support and encouagement. medical quistions anwerd. we can turn to u guys. im always on here , reading and gaining knowlege ( spelling tips) . sorry shouldnt have wrote whot he said about internet. stacey
hi sarah. i agree and im sorry . stacey
Just wondered ow long have you had these symptoms? Cardiologists are very good I get excellent care. It may take time as they can do lots of tests . Take care x
hi i had rasing heart for a long time and thay had done scans but havent found anythink.keep telling them to put me on treadmill as mostly happens when im moving around. but thay never listen. insited thay i go back to my heart specilist. thank.stacey.
thanks. i dont wont anybody upset with whot gps say. think we all get a ruf deal as it is.stacey.x
Have they done a ct scan of our chest? X
yep found no blood clots. have a few scans over my time.im getting a lot of my symtoms even now as im riting this.
I would say keep on to the doctors I was having problems for about 2 years before they found anything I was in hospital at least twice a month with chest pains hope you get somewhere or your symptoms stop take care x