Is this HS related to people with diabetes? I’m a female who has not been officially diagnosed as an HS suffer yet by my GP . I have diabetes’s and I nave abscesses under my armpits and my most recent like now in my goin . I’m just looking for answer s if there is any? I’m glad I found this website . Regards Irene
Information please : Is this HS... - Hidradenitis Supp...
Information please

Hi There, I have had HS for a lot of years now, but I don't have diabetes, so I don't think it's related, but I'm not a doctor. I think it's more of an auto immune disease, which, usually, if you have one you have a few, Best of Luck.
When I was first diagnosed my Derm routinely tested me for diabeties. The tests were always negative but he said that there was a link between the two.
HS is caused by an excess of tnf alpha, an immune protein.
Some research suggests that tnf alpha plays a part in insulin resistant diabetes but it requires more research
I have been diagnosed just a few weeks ago with HS. I happen to have been diagnosed with diabetes in january of this year. The HS started about a year ago ( i suspect i have been diabetic for more than a year prior to knowing). The dermatologist said it may be linked to that but nothing is certain.