I have this god awful condition that has gotten worse since having my daughter. It affects my pubic area and I'd like to know what treatments I can apply for relief. Recommended body wash, laser hair removal- yes or no? Specific brand underwear that won't dig? Anything that can help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Pubic hell! : I have this god awful... - Hidradenitis Supp...
Pubic hell!

I wear men's tight fitting boxers so I have no elastic digging into my groin but still feel nice and snug. Sanex antiseptic washes are also good but when I have a flare I just have a salt bath. I was advised also to go on the pill as a hormone regulator as my flares happen around my period but it sends my periods haywire...may work for you though if you haven't already tried?
Oh great! Thank you for this. I will give it a try!
Hi, you can get no VPL underwear from matalan. I started wearing them recently and I feel millions better, I, personally would use germolene that temporarily numbs it and it will ease the pain.
Hi, mine is triggered by monthly hormones, I am on metformin which is a diabetic drug, however, appears to help. I am also using a silver gel and that is definiately helping reduce any flares and helps heal the skin. I have stage 4 tracking of this condition and I am doing AIP, using detol and antibacterial wipes morning and night, using silver gel, Primapore dressings, sterile swab patches and I can see improvements. I have had 2 surgeries but I am doing my best now to control this with the things I have listed. I also take zinc and turmeric daily. If you get hot, make sure you keep using antibacterial wipes as it gets rid of the extra staph on ur skin. Hope all this helps, but any questions please ask as I'm feeling like I'm an expert in this now as I'm telling the dermatolgist what I'm doing to treat myself.
Great info.....thank you! Can you apply these type dressings where Hair is present? Also these wipes you speak of, are they antiseptic or actual antibacterial? What brand of these do you use? Do any of the items you mentioned require a prescription from a dr?
Hi use the sterile swabs to overlap the dressing edges where hair is, ie. Armpit. I don't need them in groin as I use my antibacterial wipes and then use a layer of silver gel, seems to keep all at bay. As for dressings, I did buy them from Amazon and told by nurse to get them on prescription, so I have. They are Primapore, like mepore dressings. Get them in different sizes and boxes of 20. Make sure wipe skin with antibacterial wipes before each change of dressing, either daily or every other day depending on weepage. But use the silver on the wounds as draws out gunk, some lumps I've had for over a year is now flat. I have go go wipes that are in single packets, and then I use tesco own antibacterial hand wipes after as not as strong and have aloe Vera in them. This appears to work for me to keep things calm, I have loads of weepage, but that's a good thing as drawing it all out rather than creating abscess And more tunnelling.
More great info! Thank you. When the silver gel is applied, you’re saying that is causes the bumps to ooze correct? If so, doesn’t this cause pain, or no?