Has anyone took sofusbuvir and daclatasvir and did they get a good response for geno 3?
Hep c medicine: Has anyone took sofusbuvir... - Hepatitis C Trust
Hep c medicine

I had a treatment called epclusa for genome3a a combo of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir for 12 weeks, was clear after 4 and had no real side effects .
Sounds good but can’t see them giving my husband them yet, what stage was you at, my husbands liver was 8.9 last time
I was fortunate regarding the treatment as I jumped the queue as hep c was stopping me getting surgery for chest,I was offered the interferon years ago but didn’t fancy it my liver function tests were not too bad and I have no permanent scarring.i think 8.9 is normal so maybe wait awhile these newer treatments are coming down in price all the time and becoming accessible.
I took/daclatasvir
I felt terrible for about 5 week out of the 12 week but helped to clear my virus so feeling crap was well worth it in the end plus I not shore if it was that tablet that made me ill as I took 3 different tablets

Oh ok, glad you cleared it and your right it is worth it in the end, we’ve got to believe to I suppose, at the moment I keep thinking what if he doesn’t clear it, then what....
you Got to not think what if it don’t clear you got to think he will clear it’s verry affective and I shore it will clear I had the virus 11 year plus I started treatment and on week 2 I had bloods n week 3 I found out the virus was not detected so just have it 11 years plus then to be hep c clear at just week 2 is grate everything will be fine and once he gets the all clear you can start afresh n put all this behind you good luck pls keep me updated xx

Thankyou, it’s good to talk to others and will let you know how we get on xx