I just wondered if any1 experienced pain in the liver area sharpness my husband is waiting to be seen for treatment
No fibroscan yet
Or consultant
Just a blood test showing 171 alt levels which the gp said is not urgent we have 2 weeks today
I just wondered if any1 experienced pain in the liver area sharpness my husband is waiting to be seen for treatment
No fibroscan yet
Or consultant
Just a blood test showing 171 alt levels which the gp said is not urgent we have 2 weeks today
Hi Nadia I suffered terrible right side pain but it went away when treated and I have no permanent scarring,the liver gets inflamed but Will recover if alcohol is avoided.
He does drink beers twice a week
Had occasional ache never knew if it was real or if I imagined it. Treatment will help it. Take care with the drinking. I drank alcohol occasionally but only sparingly on celebrations. I always felt worse the day after. The consultant said it was ok to do it because my liver wasn't too badly damaged but stressed not too much.
Hello Nadia, yes, pain like a bad stitch. Consultant said, two days later, he could feel the liver edges so I'm sure i wasn't imagining this, nor did i have wrong area! Have had pain there before ever i knew about Hep C. Was so bad, along with nausea, once, i had to lie down for ages at GP's surgery. Only discovered my Hep C following a very scary, atypical pneumonia. They noticed liver damage first and then tested me. In my whole life i have never, ever been a drinker (perhaps a few drunken nights in my early 20's but that's it, don't like it!) To be told, out of the blue, you have 'significant liver disease/damage' is a shock. I had no idea and knew nothing about liver troubles or Hep C. Does this help at all?
Yes thank i hope u are better now
Hi yes I always seemed to have some kind of pain round the liver Area it got quite bad at times but since treatment I. Not had no pains like before
I am currently on treatment for Hep C with Epclusa 12weeks, my alt level was 256 with severe itching and skin breaking out all over. I had pain on my right side and after 4 weeks the itching has ceased not sure if that’s all down to the Epclusa as I’m still taking antihistamines. The pain is not as noticeable either? I had no fibre scan as I had previously had an ultrasound scan that was normal. My other bloods showed high ferritin levels. It looks like my viral load was 1335815 . can this be right? Any advice please would be so helpful. Thanks