hi. I developed Afib episodes a year ago following a football match in cold weather. I had a few more episodes usually but not always following vigorous exercise. Episodes entailed either flipping fish in chest or high heart rate at rest 145-165 or both. Had a pulsed field ablation in November and on night following procedure had high heart rate at rest 160. Since then have had two episodes of high heart rate at rest 140-160 that have lasted half a day or so and each time was following mild exercise in cold dry air.
I am on metoprolol daily plus eliquis both of which I am hoping to get off.
Overall it feels like I get these episodes when I get short of breath and that triggers it but who knows. Have overthought it too many times now.
When I don’t have episodes I am in great shape and feel I can do anything, however, when it kicks in, I don’t want to do anything.
I am 57m and was wondering if anybody had any thoughts or if you all think these episodes will get fewer or more frequent or if anybody has any advise.