If you have been experiencing unexplained palpitations, breathlessness, light-headedness, fatigue and fainting - these are all common symptoms of an (arrhythmia) heart rhythm disorder.
The heart is a muscular pump that delivers blood containing oxygen to the body. It is divided into two upper chambers (atria) which collect blood returning via the veins, and the two lower chambers (ventricles) which pump blood out through the aorta (main artery) and the lungs.
For more information, please download 'Diagnosing Arrhythmias' booklet from the Arrhythmia Alliance website:
UK: and International: api.heartrhythmalliance.org...
US: api.heartrhythmalliance.org...
If you require any further information, please contact our Patient Services Team via the contact details below;
Patient Helpline: +44 1789 867501
Email: info@heartrhythmalliance.org
Contact form UK: heartrhythmalliance.org/aa/...
Contact form US: heartrhythmalliance.org/aa/...
Kind regards