i wrote this on the Afib forum
Hi, I am a fit 56 year old who had a migraine, threw up and ended up with afib with rvr and a sustained pulse of over 150 for 40 hours. Usual resting pulse is low 50s. BMI is 22. This potentially happened once before 10 years ago under the same circumstances but it righted itself after 12 hours and before ekg. This time the urgent care called an ambulance and I ended up in ER. I had a cocktail of Beta blockers, and when the technician was conducting my EKG her hands were cold and my heart rhythm suddenly converted to normal. Does anyone else have this happen after throwing up? I don't think I have afib otherwise. My apple watch picked this one up but has not done so previously. I am thinking I don't need to be on a daily dose of beta blockers as it is lone fib. I'm sure it is to do with the vagus nerve. I won't stop the meds until I have had the ultrasound and seen an EP, but blood pressure is high normal and cholesterol is high normal. Am fit otherwise!