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New here - experiencing quadrigeminy, trigeminy and bigeminy

Nola0250 profile image
4 Replies


49 year old woman here with a history of PVC's my entire adult life. They used to be very intermittent, I'd get an episode or 2 a day lasting a few minutes to an hour for a few months, then nothing for a year, etc. I was told not to worry about it and didn't. Now it's been worsening over 3 years and I went to a cardiologist. At this point I'm always in quadrigeminy or trigeminy, or a combo with occasional brief episodes (a few minutes) of bigeminy with rates in the 40's according to my Kardia.

I just finished a Ziopatch, waiting for the results of that and a stress echo is coming up in a couple weeks. I am pretty sure I am in at least quadrigeminy all the time which if true means I'm probably having between 20,000 and 30,000 PVCs per 24hrs. Dr. Google suggests that puts me at risk of heart failure. I'm comforted that my doctor wasn't urgently concerned but I'm starting to get nervous. 3 years ago I was an active cyclist riding my bike 80-120miles per week and now I'm frequently short of breath at rest.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has a similar story and if so, how has it unfolded for you? Thanks.

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4 Replies
philologus profile image

I was in the same boat as you. I was getting bi and tri all the time and 30 to 40 thousand ectopics a day.

Dr said not to worry - but I felt lousy and often struggled to breathe.

I finally found a Dr who took it seriously and she sent me for tests. I ended up with a diagnosis of heart failure at level four. My heart was getting so many rogue signals that the left ventricle just didn't know when to do what it is supposed to do.

Medication got the ectopics down to 20 thousand a day but I still struggled to function and my quality of life was lousy.

I got the ectopics down to a few hundred a day which is "normal" for most people and this allowed my ticker to heal. I now have "mild" heart failure and my QOL has improved dramatically.

I found that I am sensitive to electricity (EMFs etc) so took some advice and started Earthing myself as much as possible. At first I just stood outside on the grass in the front garden for half an hour before bed but when I found that it improved things I bought an earthing mat to use indoors.

I then bought a load of mats and gave some to my family as Earthing helps with a lot of other things too. I now sell packs of mats on Ebay to help others and I point people to The Earthing Movie on utube to try to spread the word.

Some people are more sensitive to electricity than others are, so some get dramatic results quite quicky and others take a couple of weeks to start noticing the benefits. I've sold about 50 packs now and had no complaints - in fact many people ask me for another set for a friend or relative.

It works - and Mother Earth offers a permament free trial :-) so just stand or sit outside with your bare feet on grass, sand or concrete for half an hour and see if it helps. If you do this just before bedtime you will find that you sleep better.

If you want to enhance your experience make sure that you are well-hydrated before you start as all our cells need water as this is what conducts electricity through our body.

If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them.


vagg50 profile image

i have been recently diagnosed with pvc by 5 day holter. stress echo was fine,. i am 49 y old with no prior issues. had covid in apil. i am quite symptomatic. feels it few times a day. still figuring out triggers. on bisoprolol. i was wondering how do you get to know if it later converts to bigemi etc. its so hard to get repeated monitoring. if they discharge me with bisoprolol, how do you get repeat investigation.

is kardia helpful in detecting pvc

Nola0250 profile image
Nola0250 in reply to vagg50

Yes Kardia will show PVCs clearly so you can read your pattern.

vagg50 profile image
vagg50 in reply to Nola0250

Thank you for the reply.. I dont know how to read it . Will it say that you got pvc

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