Hi all I feel like I'm having a pac a few during in Cardio work out I stopped this morning it scared me is this normal? Waiting for my 24 hour ecg ecocardigram came back normal ecg normal blood normal
Pac During WORKOUT????? : Hi all I feel... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Pac During WORKOUT?????
Might be hard to feel a PAC during a workout since your heart is beating fast already but perhaps you had a PVC? The PVC is the pause, heavy thump(s). Anyway, in a healthy heart, I don't think either is a cause for concern. I've told my EP about PVCs during workouts, and he doesn't seem to care.
Ive heard they are kinda the same except pvc is lower chamber pac is top chamber i have health anxiety i dont like the feel off my heart beating fast i suffer with panick attacks too im sure i felt it didnt feel right may have been me panicking i am not sure felt like a few little flutters then stopped i continued
Were you doing a holter monitor when it happened? If you're wearing a monitor, the Dr will see what it was you experienced. Try not to worry, though I know it's easier said than done. Drs don't care about 99% of random palpitations in a healthy heart. They seem to only look for a-fib, long runs of PACs that can't be terminated (SVT), heart rate that doesn't raise properly with activity, etc. If the palpitations drive you crazy with anxiety, try a very low dose old-school beta blocker like propranolol or metoprolol... or cut the lowest dose in half. These will help block the sensation of PACs and PVCs and sometimes helps with anxiety a little, in that they block the effects of adrenaline to the heart. Good luck and try to be patient, the drs will eventually figure out something to help.
Thanks for your reply so far ive had a eco i paid for that myself all was ok i was told but i have to ring up for my detailed results tomorrow blood work all ok ecgs all ok except one that caught a pac only ever ones been caught i am awaiting a 24 ecg or i think they are called holiter monitors ?
I'm not sure if it's normal. I'd check with my cardiologist. I too just started back at the gym but I totally took it easy, haven't been for at least 6mths! Consult with your cardiologist, but take it easy!