I've been in persistent atrial fibrillation for the last 11 years. My anxiety issues also began around the same time. I was in Sick Sinus Rythm, tachy-brady with skipped beats and pauses. Five years ago, my cardiologist decided to put me on 2mg Xanax, 10mg Eliquis and 125 mcg Digoxin daily to slow the heart rate down so it could at least have time to fill, instead of just quivering at 200bpm, also to prevent clotting issues at the top of the heart. He also implanted a cardiac pacemaker in me to compensate when my rate gets too slow.
That worked just fine until 4 months ago when I unknowingly developed DVT, with one clot breaking loose and going through my heart, lodging in my lungs, as a "saddle embolism". I couldn't breathe, my oxygen was in 70% range. I could barely stand.
My local hospital admitted me to CCU immediately, put me on oxygen, installed an IVC filter, changed my thinner to Lovenox, to Heparin, to Warfarin. After a week, they were discharging me, still on supplemental oxygen, dry heaving into the trash can. Fortunately, another doctor walked in (not my doctor), said, "This man is not ready to go home.". Within an hour or so, he had me transferred to a more technological advanced hospital 80 miles away, where they have a group (CVA) of cardiologists, oncologists. This hospital put me through a proceure with an EKOS machine. It is an incredible machine. When that procedure was over, I came off the supplemental oxygen, and haven't need it since. I feel great, I walk frequently, 2 miles, am not short winded.
Needless to say, that hospital is now my regular hospital, as are that group of doctors.