Hi everyone. I am in the process of setting up a small home gym and was wondering if a cross trainer is a good machine to use with my arrhythmia. I haven't used one in years but I am regular with the treadmill and have fairly good stamina. The cross trainer does look like it might be more stressful for the heart. Any experiences? I love working out and pushing myself just a tad bit more.. but don't want to cross over to the foolhardy side. Oh and the cross trainers are mighty expensive, so I wanted to be sure before I invested in one. Thanks for the replies in advance
What's a safe workout with recurrent ... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
What's a safe workout with recurrent SVTs and Ectopics?

It would be, in my opinion, wrong for anyone to say if it was good for you or not. My advice would be back to Dr, see if physio available that covers your condition and run through things like a cross trainer with them.... And ask the Dr type of exercise cleared for. I had a stress echo and was advised from then on. Hope that helps a little. Best wishes
Hey, took your advice. Spoke to my cardiologist and he said it's best avoided. Cross trainers are better for endurance training he said and the sudden spike in hr won't be safe for me. Thanks for the advice!
Why not try one at a gym first?
I haven't used cross trainer but treadmill and bike I have. My thoughts are to listen to your body! Start out with a easy pace and build up, but I'm sure you already know this.