Hysterectomy operation tomorrow.
Did anyone else react badly to these nutritional drinks? My stomach is all over the place with cramping and a few visits to the loo. Also look pregnant because of the bloating. Burping too. On a clear fluid diet before operation so can’t be food.
The drinks come with straws but found this made the length of time, enduring the yucky ness of them too long, so I skulled the last two down. Could this be the reason?
I also have a slight intolerance to milk especially while milk so reading the ingredients it says ‘ cows milk’.
Just hoping I’m still getting the nutrients from them if they are going through me so quickly.
Hoping the Pre-Load will not have the same effect as I have a slight starch intolerance also. 😁
Should I let the pre-op nurses know?
Going to take the last one now .... will sip it this time to see if it makes a difference 😬