Hi Ladies
I found the results of my pathology quite odd. The surgeon post operation talked very openly with me back in my room the next day about the treatment he gave to me for Endometriosis which was extensive (around my bowel and (ovaries) which went) and Adenomyosis was highly suspected even pre surgery on the MRI scan due to womb size and texture/appearance.
My Pathology seems to only refer to a 'Rare' finding of proliferation (mushrooming, rapid growth of cells) of tubules and columns all in keeping with "Wolffian Duct" (Mesonephric duct) remnants.
When I looked it up it sais that it's rare as this boilogical matter usually stops production after embryogenesis, and mine seem to have kept on growing.
There are such things of this rare finding having worsening conditions called Mesonephric Cysts/ Tumours and Mesonephric adenocarcenomas, the later is cancer. Ok so maybe its best out of me for those reasons alone.
Very little is known about the effect of its growth, prognosis etc.
There is 0 mention on my pathology of the endometriosis that was treated (taken away) and Adenomyosis? Not as there specific names as such?
I just felt like the pathology report could have been about someone else's condition and not what he actually described to me post surgery?
Somehow the missing parts off the pathology report are making me feel like my operation wasn't warranted. I know it may seem odd but I can't get my head around the missing info about Adeno and Endo.
Just feel a bit odd over this pathology.
Thanks for reading.
Helly x