Hi everyone
I'd love to hear from the experienced hystorectomiers out there. I'm post LH BSO with Vag cuff... reasons, Adenomyosis Menhoragea and Endometriosis.
At about 6 weeks I felt like Id passed a turning point. I feel great on my combined HRT and just had my bloods done which are fine at me being on level 150combined patch, I'm under 40 and suffered migraines on lower doses . I done everything privately so really asserted what I was needing post op having done research..I paid enough!
The trouble is I am a bit Deflated. I had this Op mainly to conquer pain which my surgeon was convinced it would aliviate...Ok so periods and period pain are gone - put a flag out and celebrate that one! - my back, since about 7 weeks me feeling healed internally and no weightiness etc, has been really in knots at the base at the coxics, really similar to pre surgery pain. Yesterday I ended up at a Sports Massage Therapist again after being there on Friday, I felt better on Friday and charged on Saturday so much so that I "gutted" my house hoovered mopped out and hands and knees vanished my rug! 🙌...Im an idiot obviously. Monday I started to get a pain in my calf and right into my left foot heel bone. There is some kind of strain going on as its very sore to put my heel down now. I'm kind of hobbling.
Could all this be referred pain from an unstable core? At 11wks are the ligaments etc still in healing progress? Currently not doing anything other than Keogles due to sore back. The Sports Therapist said the base of the back has a ball of nerves running to the legs etc. He did pop a bone in my foot back into place. He used the wave therapy machine they use to break up inflammation at both sites.
I know all will take time to settle. I'm itching to exercise being very active prior to surgery prior to the worsening of my conditions.
Any advice is very much appreciated.