BSO HYSTERCTOMY : Having a Total BSO... - Healthy Happy Woman

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Broderskim39 profile image
20 Replies

Having a Total BSO Hysterectomy very soon

Removing the cervix is worrying me

Will that loose all my sexual drive and desire

Also how long does this proceedure usally take. I shouldn't read what Google says but constantly looking for clues about the procedures and post up stories. Ian very anxious.

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Broderskim39 profile image
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20 Replies
blondie120 profile image

Hi I had everything removed too, scar is 10 inches hip to hip it all went well,an I have my full vaginal length still, I think it varies person to person but I have little to none sex drive and I'm ok with that, it wasn't that high up on my list before the opp I was worried I wouldn't feel like me anymore but I'm a better version now an no more pain, I took no Hrt an flashes have gone now but it does play havoc with your joints I think u'll be fine u'll still be you an all your bits will still work I do know that much take care xx

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39 in reply to blondie120

Wow hip to hip. that must of been sore. I am having keyhole thro the stomach so I suppose I am lucky in that respect was I've been told it takes longer to heal when you cut. Glad your feeling better now and that gives me some hope that u have no regrets. My partner and I have high sex driver I don't want to ruin the connection we have.

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello Broderskim39

I'm having a hysterectomy tomorrow and am also a little anxious. I guess we have to trust the professionals.

I have done lots of reading and that does give me some comfort 😊

Hope all goes well, best wishes 😊

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Best of luck anna keep in touch and let me know how you are x

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Broderskim39

Thank you 😊 Mines abdominal so I am a bit anxious 😕 But feeling calm and have kept myself fit and well 😊 Have a great hubby of 27 years so feel sure we can get through this 😊

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Ps we havd always had a very healthy physical relationship and am hoping this continues afterward!! I will keep you posted! 😊

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Thank you lovely xx

bodeia profile image

I had a total just over a year ago., everything gone. My procedure took about 6 hours but I had adhesion from my c-section that needed fixing first. Was out of hospital next day with follow up about 6 weeks later. I was in mild pain for a few days but after that I was ok but I have a high pain tolerance.

Three small scars from the keyhole procedure and no belly button where the camera went in. Worst part was the hormone drop and the hot flushes but I'm on HRT now as Iwas only 49 when I had the op.

For me everything went really well, I can assure you for me at least sexual desire hasn't changed. In fact my gynocologist did say some women find their sexual drive increases after the op and I'd say for me at least thats been the case.

I would suggest you check out as they have tons of advice and support for pre and post surgery

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39 in reply to bodeia

Oh wow this is reassuring. ...

Glad your ok now. I think I am reading to much into all this. I am worried sick. How long did you wait for your op hun. I have to have a bowel surgeon present too. hoping all this will be over pretty soon x

bodeia profile image
bodeia in reply to Broderskim39

I did exactly the same read everything I could and got more and more frantic about it, it's only natural to be worried it is a big op after all. Between them agreeing and my op was about 7 months as I also had to lose a bit of weight which I did and I've kept of thankfully.

I'd say just try and relax, I know not easy but remember why you're having the op and that it's to help improve your health.

Also remember people are more likely to report when things go wrong than to say when it all goes right so you're more likely to find all the horror stories searching rather than the feel good one

Hope your surgery goes well when it happens xx

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39 in reply to bodeia

Awww thank you xSo true what you say. Just been in the hands of strangers is taken it's toll. I have to come to realise that this will be all worth it and be inspired by people like yourself that it all will be x thank you x

sarahgregory profile image

I am having a full hyst and removal of both ovaries and Fallopian tubes and will also have a bowel surgeon there as there might be problems with my bowel. I am having it this Saturday. They are hoping to do it key hole but due to past surgeries for other reasons they are not sure if will be able to get through adhesions so will open me up to do op. If all straight forward consultant said it would a couple of hours for key hole but if problematic and have to do open it could be more like 5/6 hours but time varies with everybody and there situation.

With regards to sex drive mine has diminished recently I think a lot to do with the pain it caused. Will have to wait and see what it's like after.

Hope you get your date soon and all goes well X

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39 in reply to sarahgregory

Oh God just sent u a longessage and it wiped it lol. Awww you must be worried hun.

Hopefully you will have keyhole for a speedy recovery.

Can you let me know how you are Sara. Please keep in touch. I wish you all the luck in the world hope it all goes to plan xxx

sarahgregory profile image
sarahgregory in reply to Broderskim39

Lol re message wiped, I've done that before! Thanks very much and yes will keep in touch after my op xx

sarahgregory profile image
sarahgregory in reply to Broderskim39

Hi, just to let u know I had my op on Saturday and they were able to do it keyhole thank goodness. When they went in they couldn't see my uterus because my insides were so thick with adhesions. The adhesions are what had blocked my Fallopian tubes and what was probably causing my pain. The tubes and uterus were obliterated by the adhesions. He said there might have been a bit of endo but has sent of some bits for biopsy. Pain ok, just on paracetamol now, walking around as much as possible and drinking peppermint tea to help get rid of wind. Am going home today so it will be nice to be in own bed and own surroundings.

Have you had your date yet? Hope you feeling ok? Take care xx

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39 in reply to sarahgregory

Morning Sarah so glad your ok. Thank you for the update. Hopefully you will see a difference each day that goes by. No date yet but starting to get bad period pains now. The prostap injections have worn off now i think. yea you will feel alot better at home with your comforta and family around you. How long was your op hun. No rush to reply you just take good care of yourself x

sarahgregory profile image
sarahgregory in reply to Broderskim39

Hi, thanks. I had Prostap injections for 6 months prior to op which at first did help with pelvic stabbing pains but not with back ache, but by about month 5 the stabbing pains came back. Sorry your pains coming back. My op took about 3.5 hours and then an extra 1.5 in recover before back in my hospital room.

Take care and update us when you have a date. All the best xx

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39 in reply to sarahgregory

Thanks Sarah and you too x

Suze1974 profile image

Hi, I had a full hysterectomy - everything removed about 8 weeks ago and I felt exactly as you did going into it.

I won't lie and say everything is the same afterwards, it is different. I think this is probably more about how you feel about yourself rather than anatomy though.

I think everyone is different but for me my orgasms aren't as strong (but they are there) the desire isn't as great (I'm still in the healing phase - but it is still there). I think longer term things will all return to my normal, good working order. I only had my op around 8weeks ago and have only started the sex thing now. I'm sure service will return to normal in time.

My op took around 4 hours as I had loads of issues to be dealt with but I was told a standard op for this procedure laprasopically would take around 45 mins.

Good luck, don't be scared and remember the reasons for having the op and the benefits afterwards.


Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39 in reply to Suze1974

Thanks Susan....

Yano it is true what u say. It does depend on the person. Thanks for your kind words am sure it will all be worth it in the end. I suppose it's better than feeling like this all the time x

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