Posts - Healthy Evidence | HealthUnlocked

Healthy Evidence

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All posts for December 2016

What are the affects of a Classical Caesarean in the future

will my sterilisation be affected
MSBROADFIELD88 profile image

limited on foods.

I suffer from pseudo gout, which limits my diet for eg I used to eat at least tw...


I have vitiligo and have done now for 20 years thankfully i have it where the e...
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Long term effects from Meningitis as a child?

I had meningitis when I was 10 years old [in quarantine for 6 months] what sort ...
Adlon57 profile image

Stoping long inflamation and colds

add colloidal silver to your neubeliser
carlatjie profile image

Improve your breath

On assma keep the prescriptions and buy capusules op [black seed oil] and take t...
carlatjie profile image

Alternative to conventional treatment for COPD

I suffer from COPD and use the NHS prescribed puffers.I feel that with the lack ...

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