Trying to get help with pain relief from pudendal neuralgia. Am on Gabapentin but looking for a more lasting relief. Has anyone found a good proceedure to relief pain
Pudendal neuralgia: Trying to get help with... - Healthy Evidence
Pudendal neuralgia
Just wanted to say hi and welcome you to the group. I'm not familiar with your problem, I will research it and then maybe I can give you some ideas. Have your told your doctor that medicine is not working to control pain? If not you need to and if they don't listen find another doctor who will. Take Care and keep us posted on how your doing.
Find yourself a women's Health physiotherapist that treats pelvic floor trigger points. Should be available on NHS but not everywhere as it's quite a specialist thing
As I don't know where you are the best thing for you to do is google POGP at the chartered society of physiotherapists. On this page at the bottom left hand side is a "contact us" box where you can e mail. Hopefully someone will give you a list of members in your area. The POGP is the special interest group for physiotherapists that work in obs and gynae and they do a lot of training. Good Luck