With a little bit of help from us and our friends, Dara Mohammadi has written a great de-bunking detox article for the Observer: “But before you dust off that juicer or take the first tentative steps towards a colonic irrigation clinic, there’s something you should know: detoxing – the idea that you can flush your system of impurities and leave your organs squeaky clean and raring to go – is a scam. It’s a pseudo-medical concept designed to sell you things.”
You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. - Healthy Evidence
You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth.

An excellent commentary on the myths of 'detox' (and just in time before the high season of detox promotion in January). But advice to consume more vegetables and avoid excess alcohol is sensible, even with the conceptual-tag of detoxing.
Great article Chris, and long overdue. This entire detox industry is a sham, without any scientific evidence. A lot of people spending a fortune on over-priced useless products which they could be spending on healthy food, exercising or just going on holiday to reduce stress, all of which are likely to benefit you much more than your 'detox' products and detox diets.
there is no such thing as juicing in a medical book. As the docs only provide acidic artificial treatment drugs that are not cures and never claim to be. Juicing adds beneficial minerals to the body from the source. I see a herbalist and have much improvement than have had otherwise. It is more about eating the right foods.
This article is not the truth. Anything unnatural going in a natural state ph body is bound to cause havoc.
What is a scam is for them to make others rebel against what is good for them by brainwashing technique. It seems to be working.
I think a person can detox their bodies, and I think this is why many religions cherish the practice of fasting. We eat many things as omnivores, much of which is either unnecessary, unhealthy, environmentally destructive or immoral. After seeing how pigs are abused I have stopped eating pork. After hearing how farmed salmon are reproduced I have stopped eating salmon. After seeing how monster ships are causing extinction and suffering to aquatic life I have stopped eating salt water fish. After learning that turkeys are persistently masturbated to produce sperm for reproduction, I have stopped eating turkey. I think that one can "detox" in many ways, both through eliminating unnecessary and harmful chemicals, and also through eliminating those cruel and unnatural practices which we are expected to "swallow" by honoring society's traditions and culinary habits.

Another article debunking detox:
'Recreational "detox" is an ancient idea that has been "consigned to the dustbin of medical history"'
Funniest 'detox' came from dear Goopy Gwyneth, who was avoiding 'fire retardants' in her food. Really.
We now have fire extinguisher on the dining table as a preventive measure.

Great to see the Daily Mail debunking this: dailymail.co.uk/health/arti...