I have a feeling on top of my head of pressure that is with me nearly every single moment of the day. I have forehead and sinus pressure that is really bad but no runny nose or anything. When I wake up, it feels stuffy. I sometimes get facial pain and it feels like from the pressure of my sinuses. I get pressure all over my head and in my temples, I can see floaters when I look into the light. I feel detached from reality 24/7 every day and it won’t go and my arms feel numb and when I look down it does not feel like my body or when I look in the mirror. The pressure in my head and sinus is awful and I’m convinced I have a brain tumour. Last year I went for a ecg blood tests and a MRI scan but came back fine but the symptoms have gotten much worse since then so I’m scared I have a tumour and it has grown. Can someone please help?
Anxiety or a brain tumour : I have a feeling... - Healthy Eating
Anxiety or a brain tumour

Hi and welcome to the Healthy Eating group. Please feel free to continue posting and commenting comments/postings, ask questions, take the weekly polls, take a look at the Topics and Events sections for ideas and information, and of course, meet the other members of the group.
For your question, please check out the Anxiety and Depression group on HU. You can click on the follow button for the group and ask questions and post postings, as well. Go to: healthunlocked.com/anxiety-...
I hope this helps!😀👍
This sounds like a sinus issue. It’s hayfever season and I get all the symptoms you describe when the hayfever sets my sinusitis off. If you’re thinking the worst after having tests and being given an all clear then it’s very probable you have anxiety as well. You could try the anxiety forum as someone else suggested but it’s also worth a trip back to gp to try and get your sinus symptoms manager better. Good luck

Maddiewilliams1302 these are questions you really need to be seeing your doctor for, did they give you anything for the original sinus problem which seems to have triggered all the worry? If you have had tests which have shown nothing serious then it is very likely that your symptoms are due to anxiety, what you describe are very typical physical symptoms of anxiety which people don't always associate with "feeling anxious" . This is something your doctor should be able to help you with. Internet forums can be very helpful at supporting you but your doctor needs to assess what medical or psychological help you need as well. X
It sounds like scm muscle strain. Look it up, then look up how to fix it, usually it is done by stretching. It is a common thing and can be fixed. A lot of people get it from looking at mobile phones and computers, it is common.
Stop worrying.
I'd start with jimmyjimmy's advice and come back if still struggling. So many people have referred pain to a larger or lesser extent.