In February, I'm going to give upsugar for the month. How does a person cope without sugar? I'm doing it for a charity. How do you still stay healthy and eat healthy foods?
No sugar challenge: In February, I'm going to... - Healthy Eating
No sugar challenge

Once you break the sugar habit you will feel much better in yourself. Almost all healthy foods do not have sugar in and you will be much healthier without it. The more pertinent question is: if you can give up for a month, why would you ever want to go back to eating sugar again afterwards?

Hi Dasiydo ,
Have you talked with your doctor about cutting out the sugar from your diet? If you haven't, please call your doctor's office and schedule an appointment before you change your diet to be on the safe side. A person needs some sugar/carbs. to have their brain and other parts of the body function correctly and not end up sick. From personal experience, having very few or no carbs. all is very dangerous. Please let us know what the doctor tells you.
Yes speek nuse and my body use this because lent soon use give but only do this gone overweight far too fat?
I stopped it a month ago. It's been better than ever before. Simple sugars are best avoided.
I use replace refined sugar with maple syrup, agave or rarely honey. Good luck

Beware of agave. It is essentially the same as HFCS. Extremely processed fructose cleverly marketed. Cactus plants don’t produce honey-like ‘nectar’.
Like you I want to give up sugar too. I did give up sugar for about a month before I got married and I felt so good and food tasted so much better. So I know how it feels and will have another go. Let me know how you go.
I would suggest you get your taste buds used to not expecting sweetness. You could try a glass of water each morning mixed with 1 or 2 tspns of Acv.It's an excellent start to the day.
Don't know if this is true for anyone else but I find if I start my day with the right intent, then the rest of my day is far more productive for me.
This is quite a good article on refined sugar which may interest you. : Best of luck to you!
I would be interested to know what you mean by giving up sugar? Is it no sugar in coffee or are you going further than that?
Sugar labelling is confusing and comes in different guises. Malt, maple syrup, honey, fructose, glucose are all sugar based foods.
What would be interesting is for you to report back on your experiment and tell us how you felt, what were your difficulties in meeting this challenge, how you overcame them, did you lose weight etc.
What I found odd in your post is “how do you stay healthy”. I would really ask “how do people stay healthy when they eat sugar?” If you move to wholefoods, good proteins, good fats and introduce nuts and seeds into your diet then you should feel healthier. I think snacking will be a big challenge when cutting out sugar. So you may wish to consider nut butters (e.g. almond butter) on wholegrain cracker as an option.
I generally don`t drink juice, instead I eat whole fruits. I like it better!
Are you talking about giving up added sugar in your diet ? Giving up all sugars is not realistic as that includes carbohydrates.
Giving up added sugar means no processed and pre-prepared food at all as they nearly all contain varying quantities of it.
Read tins and packets carefully and cook from scratch to avoid hidden pitfalls.
Good luck
I agree with you there are lots of sugar in pre-packaged food and it's much better if you make your own dinners as you know what's in them.

I did that last year for charity, but only gave up added sugars, I still ate salad and fruit and fibrous carbs. I just didn't eat the obvious sugary stuff like cakes biscuits ice cream and had my porridge with milk and fruit. It was pretty healthy as I ate my usual healthy meals but no unhealthy snacks ! At the end of the month your tastebuds have adjusted and those " treats" taste far too sweet. Good luck 😀
Charity and lent yes have speek to nurse about it I do drink milk but my promble with add salt and hide suger in our food gone too fat need lose weight need challenge myself yes be eating fruit my promble is Crouse go too have eat fruit but I will try get some walk in at my next challenge
Hi there Daisydo
I rarely eat refined foods i.e. those that easily turn to sugar like white bread (I don't actually like the horrible white packaged bread), white pasta, white spaghetti and potatoes. The main things I eat are sweet potatoes, red peppers, alternatives to sugar i.e. maple syrup, coconut algarve and a really nice alternative to golden syrup is Sarah Wilsons I Quit Sugar Organic Rice Malt Syrup, this makes lovely flapjacks.
I'm following a diet via a Dietician at the moment so have to be careful what I eat, I have IBS, but normally I opt for wholegrains, vegetables and some fruit (I can't tolerate too much fructose). Regarding fructose though, I love the Sweet Freedom range, I can tolerate small amounts of that.
The hardest part I find it giving up sweetner in my drinks but I will get there. I have been using Xylotol which is natural but not good if you have IBS.
All the very best.
For me going on holiday in Feb with my family do no suger challenge and birthday party come in February it going be hard but going give try hard part for me is cakes and chocalate and those latte drink but don't worry let person down who give money to charity. I hope don't let people down
Right going look for idea what can eat instead suger got becareful on yought and holiday with my sister and my mum another reason why give up suger two things I want go Disneyland Paris and second none pet insurance cover for bost and flea treatment so at me have save £400 for two cats called Sydnee and Annbel one on pictures is Sydnee and Annbel are part of family but do miss boarder terrier dog Darcy she did on 24 August 2013 as I put her down wasn't alwon have any more pets so give notice and moving out flat be back with Sydnee and Annbel my pets cats I wish could show pictures of Annbel but she camera shy.