The last few days seemed to brought just about every form of weather here in Kent (aside from the cold). We've had brilliant sunshine, high winds, a magnificent thunderstorm, a downpour, and now it feels humid with grey skies.
I used to be quite good at reading the weather but nowadays it seems more like a lottery. Maybe I'm spending too much time indoors, who knows? Not me.
I forgot how cathartic writing can be. I finished day 3 blog post yesterday. It really makes me think about the finer details of a walk. It certainly adds a dimension to it. I highly recommend doing it.
On the latest day walk I'm plodding along the Greensand Way which stretches across Surrey and Kent. So called because of the geology underfoot.
Happy trails!
Ps. Are there any restrictions on adding photos? I managed to add one on a previous post but I can't seem to add any today. Getting a "whoops..." error message