I finally got out today: I haven't been out for... - Health Walk

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I finally got out today

21 Replies

I haven't been out for quite a few days now as I've started a new job and also the weather this past week, apart from yesterday, has been awful.

The snowdrops were in abundance and the photo doesn't do them justice.

I enjoyed getting out and here's to the next time.

Alicia :)

21 Replies
Kitten-whiskers profile image

Glad you managed to get out, hope your enjoying your new job 😀

in reply to Kitten-whiskers

Thank you Debs. I am really enjoying my job but where is the time going.😉

Hope you are okay.


Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskers in reply to

Thats exactly how I feel, when you work full time, its very hard squeezing in time for the things you want to do, after the chores and the million and one things that need to be done. I am so pleased all is going so well for you xx

in reply to Kitten-whiskers

Yes its much harder. When I worked in an office I used exercise as my transport i.e. before I was poorly I cycled to work just about every day unless the weather was really bad.

The days are slowly getting longer so it'll get much easier.

The diet is taking a fair bit of time i.e. writing my food diary then typing it up and if course making the food it's so worth it though.

Thank you am I'm really pleased.

Alicia xx

Hey I'm glad that you got out Alicia and good luck with your new job onwards and upwards...

Lots of steps and the snowdrops are wonderful. 😊

in reply to

Thank you Jerry, I'm enjoying the job. It was really good getting out today.

Yes the snowdrops are lovely, I've also seen circuses, crazy.


Agoodenough profile image

Glad you got out and about and I hope you like your new job 🙂

Best of luck with your new job!

I am looking forward to when it will be me saying that.

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Thank you Hidden and here's to you saying the same. :)

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It will happen for me at the right time.

Currently I am having a break from it as it was getting too much.

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It certainly will and I understand, I had a break for a year before going back.

in reply to

I left the job as I was fed up with the unfair way the place is run and being picked on over silly things of no consequence by the managers.

I had started to become desperate for a job applying to things like they were going out of fashion and had started to feel angry and frustrated so last Thursday I had decided on a break from job hunting for a week or so and come back when I am ready.

It hasn't been very long with me and I don't think there will be a disaster putting it off for a couple of weeks.

in reply to

Sounds like a job you needed to leave. The one I was in originally and left after 22 years ended up 'toxic'. You've done the right thing and as you say waiting a couple of weeks won't hurt.

in reply to

They had been really mean to other colleagues as well like one colleague retired and returned to work a couple of days a week for a year yet others are doing it indefinitely which is a scandal!

Then they were mean to a colleague that had been off ill for ages with cancer and she had come back to work on a phased return given by occ health and told she had to use her annual leave yet others got given the phased return off the managers unlimited no problem!

They had it out for another colleague who had ended up sacked for being sick after they had bullied her out of a job and she had gone sick as a result.

They had bullied me ad infinitum and I had fought back and stood my ground with them!

What really took the biscuit with me was last February they wouldn't let me have a couple of hours unpaid leave for Valentine's day and it was the unfair way they did it that had upset me!

My ex boyfriend had said to me how that Valentine's break had been something that was important to me and how he would have behaved in the same way that I did!

One of my friends who used to be a line manager said how she felt it was a mean and petty thing to do to begrudge someone a couple of hours off unpaid and with her she would have given it as she likes a good romance but would say to work the hours back on my return.

I wouldn't have minded if they had arranged that for me and I made the hours up on my return. What I did mind was the rude and unfair way they went about it!

in reply to

Sorry it's taken so long to reply, I kind of ran out of time this past week, it's been manic to say the least.

I honestly don't know how they get away with bullying these days as I thought we were supposed to be proactive when someone is being treated badly, but sadly not.

Companies and big organisations don't like it if their staff are off ill no matter how serious yet in some places if you say you are stressed then you could end up with 6 months off full pay, that's what it was like where I worked. I'm not saying that stress isn't bad as it certainly is as I was stressed because of the bullying but when you have someone with a serious illness who has proof they are unwell I think it's awful the way they can be treated.

I can understand going sick when you've been bullied, I went off for 2 weeks back in 1999 and then another month back in 2014 but apart from another 2 days that is the only sick leave I had during that time.

I'm glad you fought back, well done as that's not easy.

Asking for 2 hours unpaid leave isn't much at all.

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All these bullies are when you pull off their arrogant demeanour and confront them are just nasty little cowards full of insecurities which is why they need to bully and go after those who they perceive as a threat to their status like those who are popular and well liked.

A lady at my Welsh class when I said how I had left the job to get away from the bullies had said how that wasn't fair and I said no it most certainly wasn't fair but I had felt that there were no other options available than to leave altogether as I had reduced my hours to 4 days a week and had done that for 6 months but it didn't help, changed my hours I was there which hasn't helped so the only option left was to get out for good which I did and I don't regret it either!

I imagine it will be manic for me as well when I start my next job as it is stressful starting at a new place.

I have got back on the horse though this afternoon and started back on job applications after a week off and felt nice and refreshed after my week off and had taken advantage of it by fixing things in the flat that needed doing and finishing off my psychology course which was overdue.

Next week myself and my fiance are going away for Valentine's weekend and no one is going to stop us this time!

It was 4 hours unpaid that I had asked for last year for the Valentine's weekend when everyone I speak to said how they had been petty and mean begrudging me that!

I had gone there that Valentine's Day last year with a face like thunder and had sworn at a colleague on the way into work that morning in a fit of bad temper as she always got given special leave no problem yet I was begrudged a couple of hours!

I know it was silly and misguided to have sworn but I was just so angry at the unfairness of it all that it just came out and I had ended getting told off at the job over something that had happened off the premises!

Lesson is it's about being fair to everyone as we all have things that are important to us and like my ex boyfriend said to me that he felt they had no right to go playing god about who deserved that and who didn't and that I wouldn't have asked for unpaid leave for silly and trivial things and how the romantic break had been something that was important and special to me and how it was natural that I had felt how I did.

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Well you did the right thing getting out and I fully understand why you swore as I am pretty sure I would have done the same.

How good to get back on a horse, such beautiful creatures.

All the very best with your job applications.👍

Zest profile image

Hi Alicia,

Great that you're enjoying your new job, and that you managed to get out for a walk - lovely photos and great step-count!

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Zest

Thank you, I'm enjoying the job, works perfectly for me.

Yes I was glad to get out even though the weather wasn't the best.


1155Cat profile image

Wow .. Beautiful countryside walking !!

in reply to 1155Cat

Thank you, I'm very fortunate to live on the country

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