Final walk in the Lake District: I didn't walk... - Health Walk

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Final walk in the Lake District

β€’30 Replies

I didn't walk too far today as we are heading back home early in the morning - all good things have to come to an end.

Here are just a few photos from Binsey.

Have a lovely evening and weekend all.πŸ˜€

30 Replies

They are beautiful photos, you are very lucky to experience the real thing. Thanks for posting them.

Have a safe journey home.

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Thank you so much for taking such an interest, someone like me I feel who loves the beautiful countryside we have in this country.

Yes I'm definitely fortunate to experience the stunning Lake District.

Thank you for your wishes for a safe journey.

Until the next time. Meanwhile I'll post photos from where I live.πŸ˜€

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I have been going to mountains since I was about 11 years old, so I really do love to see other peoples adventures when they go.

I'll try to put some pictures from the mourne mountains on some day for you to see.

It will be interesting to see the photos from where you live 😊

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What a lovely experience to have visiting mountains from a young age.

I've heard the Mourne Mountains are beautiful, it'll be lovely seeing your photos.

I'll be sure to post more photos.😁

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Well I'll have to get some photos posted then 😊

I am looking forward to seeing yours.

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That'll be good and I look forward to seeing them.πŸ˜€

I'll be sure to post when out walking.

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I wont post photos of my runs as I run on a treadmill, my garage isn't that interesting 😏

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Ha Ha, not sure I want to see a photo of a treadmill. I used the gym on site 3 times as weather was a little dodgy at times last week. Give me the outdoors anytime though😁

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I prefer the outdoors too and I do go out when I can, I love all types of weather too so I always go out no matter what it's like..

It's handy having a treadmill though.😊

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I've made a decision since being up here and have decided that the only weather I'll not go out in us really heavy rain. On those days I'll use the weights I have.

It certainly is handy having gym equipment to hand.πŸ˜€

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You use weights too?

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Yes I've just started using them again. I used to use them regularly.

I've been thinking quite a bit lately on fitness and making the most of life. I was quite poorly from last November when I had food poisoning and its only been quite recent where I've started to get better, still more tweaking with the diet and I'll be back to full health. Now I'm getting more and more opportunities to get out there and exercise. We only have one crack at life and I feel we should enjoy every minute of it.

I also have a hybrid cycle (someone asked me the other day if it was electricπŸ˜‰), I find a mountain bike quite heavy and a road bike I don't think would be substantial on trails. I love my bike and would be lost without it.

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If you need any help with the weight training don't be afraid to ask, I know quite a bit about it.

You are right about life, do anything you want to do and enjoy it, it's an adventure to enjoy. 😊

I cycle to work sometimes and I enjoy it, it's only 3 miles each way and going by bike is just as quick as going by car. I should do it more often. I have a mountain bike. Your hybrid sounds interesting.

I was unwell myself for a while but I'm fine now and enjoying everything. 😊

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Thank you, much appreciated.

Life is definitely an adventure and there to enjoy, we never know what's around the corner so we have to grab it with open arms.

I'm not working at present, I left in June by choice. I was a temporary worker which suited me. I'm not far off retirement age so will prolook for something with just a few hours a week. I used to cycle to work and back, around 7 miles each way, but when I got ill I couldn't cycle, it was so frustrating. You are right, it's quicker than using the car and where I worked we had decent showers.

I'm so pleased you are much better.πŸ˜€

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You are a lady of leisure then, lucky you. I like working but I'd like not working also, I'm going to give it up soon and move to France, I'm only 50 though so I might get bored if I do stop working for to long.

Yes cycling is quicker plus it sets me up for the day.. Makes me feel more energetic.

Yes grab life with open arms and enjoy it. 😊

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Well you could say that but I don't sit still. I have 2 granddaughters and they definitely keep you young. I'm 60 so.ive not left too far in advance of retirement age.

Hey that sounds exciting moving to France. I'd live to move closer to the Lake District but all my family live very close to me, I'd miss them far too much.

Yes exercise sets me up good and proper.πŸ˜€

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So you keep busy, thats a good thing, i reckon if we stop doing stuff life shortens.

Yes France will be good, warm summer and cold winters, perfect. im looking forward to going, i hope its sooner rather than later.

Are you very far from the lake district?

Its a perfect start to the day. :D

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Most definitely. Believe it or not I don't map read so am going to learn.

That's a good goal you have moving to France.

Unfortunately I live around 7 hours from the Lake District, I live in Devon. I love the countryside.

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I used to teach map reading and all that stuff, 30 years ago up in the mountains to children, i dont know if id know how to do it anymore its been that long since i did it.

7 hours, thats a right jaunt. Is Plymouth in Devon?

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My husband is an excellent map reader and he's going to teach me. Great to teach it to children, so great for them to take an interest.

It is quite a jaunt. Yes you are right as Plymouth is in Devon. I don't live in Plymouth though.

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It was good to get them out of the towns, see and experience the other things in life.. they were great times.

Its good your husband can teach you, it will be much easier to learn with someone you know.

I thought so.. :)

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Most definitely, so good for children.

My hubby is very patient so it'll be good for him to teach me.πŸ˜€

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Are you patient? :D

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Yes, I want to learnπŸ˜†

Hey what a gorgeous collage Alicia I am so glad that you've had such a good time.

And I hope that you enjoy the rest of your weekend. πŸ˜€

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Thank you Jerry.

We are seeing the family tomorrow so that'll be lovely. πŸ˜€

Enjoy the rest of your weekend Jerry.😁

Zest profile image

Hi Alicia,

That's a lovely collage. Beautiful. :-)

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Zest

Thank you, can't believe the 2 weeks has gone so fast.

Here's to the next trip to what I call 'my second home'.

Alicia πŸ˜€

Breathtaking photos & how exciting it is to walk in such a beautiful place... Granni B

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Thank you Hidden , I do love the Lake District and it sure is exciting to walk there. Whilst walking all your cares and worries just disappear. I can't wait to go back :)

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