This is a difficult question for me personally.
In terms of healthcare after my injury I wasn't offered any rehabilitation and just thrown out back into the world. At the time I was oblivious to any of the after effects of the injury and just thought I'd get better and any headaches, fatigue, etc., were just temporary and would go away with time. What actually happened is I got progressively worse, social withdrawal became a permanent feature of my behaviour, my concentration, memory and sense of self diminished. This might be because I had injury when I was growing up and the bad habits have become part of my personality. In hindsight, I would have benefitted from being sat down and told about how the injury will affect me and any therapy I should have. Instead I've grown up brain injured and twisted, it's even worse for my parents who have had to put up with me this long taking on the role of a parent, doctor and therapist all in one.
My parents have been very supportive and I wouldn't be here now without their intervention. But they aren't doctors or therapists and I've come to realise that they don't understand me and my injury, that their talking habits used when talking to normal people doesn't help me to improve my conversational skills, for example, when I'm struggling to explain something because I've lost concentration or can't find the right words or it's taking longer to process everything, they take over the conversation and shut me up, this is something that i've noticed alot, so instead of giving me the chance to develop my skills I've learned to keep quiet, then people wonder why i'm so quiet and tell me I should talk more. Huh. Most people you meet have very little patience and they don't want to hear you struggle but then how can you improve? It's even more complicated because my injury isn't so obvious so the layman assumes i'm normal and just being awkward.
[side note: In terms of my progress besides myself, I can attribute about 98% to my parents and 1% to random people and 1% to doctors/therapists. This is surely not right, people's parents/family/friends all differ, some have people around them that guide them through it all getting them the best care available, while others are left alone to suffer. Surely, healthcare providers should take the brunt of the responsibility]
Then instead of having friends when you most need them they leave you because no longer cut it. So then how can you improve and become an integrated part of society?
Just some thoughts, I'll have more to say later but I can't think any longer.