after losing 2 stone very quickly i gt weighed tdy and i havnt lost any so thts good news anthr gd day i ope everyone gts good days i have had 2 already
weight: after losing 2 stone very quickly i gt... - Headway
rcoze before my sah in dec 2007 i weighed 16st 5lbs when i finally woke from my coma on 15feb 2009 i was 8st half my body weight it stayed pretty constnt till i stopped being fed by tube into my stomach ate proper as much as hospital food can be described as proper at the same time i started physio i was given weight gain drinks which wee foul so i took to eating huge ammounts of chocolate much to the deliht of the nurses forever wsanting a nibble by the time i was dischrged from hospital on 5 march 2009 i was 15st and i was weighed a month ago for some hospital tests i wa 16st 3 nearly there but i was too heavy at 16 6 and comfortable at my present weight in the early days my weekly weigh was eargly awaited by my family who cheered every pound gained as did i