25 years ago I woke with something that had changed in my brain. I then spent 20 years fighting with the NHS to get it acknowledged that this wasn't psychological. I recently made a big step forward, one neuro psych has agreed that I have executive functioning difficulties (low 1%) caused by a small stable cavernoma.
However, this still doesn't explain why for the last 25 years my cognitive functioning has been in decline. I'm now at the stage that my functioning has become critical. By this I mean independent and meaningful living will soon be a thing of the past. I'd like to get some help, especially medication but this is still going to be a major barrier.
How do I get myself on a path to finally proving my functioning is in catastrophic decline? I've only had MRI and ECG's. Are there other options that can see inside my brain and give a real picture of what is happening?
Has anyone else been in similar position? TiA