With the ocd I have to constantly check everything multiple times because if I don't I think something bad could happen to my family .Lights on and off repeatedly, checking doors are locked repeatedly. Checking oven is off.walking back and forth over the same spot again and again. Not making eye contact with anyone . Living with fear that something bad is going to happen all the time. It's endless
My Life : With the ocd I have to constantly check... - Headway
My Life

What if you thought something good would happen??? Would you still have to repeat what you are doing? Would it still be the same outcome???
Change your thoughts change your world.
Unfortunately I would as my thoughts are forever jumbled. This occurred as a direct result of my brain injury.
Did you have OCD prior to you head injury?
Sorry I missed your first post you were only 4 when you had the head injury. I was a lot older than you but it has been 20 year plus since my head injury. What sort of thing do you do to try and alleviate the depression etc??
Walk our dog and play guitar but I'm not very good but it sometimes takes me away from it all.. Any stress makes my symptons worse and unfortunately at the moment we are being harrased by a neighbour so it made me really bad. Hope you are doing okay and finding ways to get through things the best you can
That’s good you have things take your mind away the guitar and dog are both good. Try to fit as much what makes you happy as you can. I know what you mean with stress and coping I think thats the joy of head injury how can you explain that to someone. I try new things, keep active running yoga doctors as last resort if I get really down been there done it so many times. Yoga new ish to me would have said it was a load of rubbish but stuck with it and it’s now part of my week.
All the best mate.
Onwards sidewards hopefully upwards.
OCD is a constant battle, it is one that you need outside support with. Have a chat with you GP and ask for a referral to specialist. It will be a long slog, but with the right help, life can be easier.
welcome to my world?!! All of the above burnt my way through numerous pans, not safe to use oven!! Live on slimfast mlkshakes!! Hard road ahead but at least alive?!!
I'm sorry you're struggling with this. I have it too and it's a little so and so. You don't need to think you're going to harm your family if you have OCD, and it isn't a matter of just snapping yourself out of it by thinking differently. I think my TBI made my OCD worse for a few months because I had excess anxiety to fuel it, and I wasn't working so it could flourish unchecked. I hope you can find some support.
So OCD came before your head injury what caused the damage to your head? Have you had any treatment after the head injury? Are there any other problem it’s caused? I’m just curious as I have had to for the most part fend for myself or local gp. Just seen you are also from Sheffield so would like to know.
Yeah I've had OCD since my teens, though when I'm extra anxious for other reasons, or I have no routine to keep it within some constraints, it can worsen.
I've been through the Sheffield talking therapies service (previously known as IAPT) - you can self refer and they told me the other day that the waiting times are pretty short ATM. They should offer you CBT; see how you find it. If that doesn't work, you could then ask your GP about other options, eg there's some mental health provision where therapists come to the surgeries, but I don't know if that's all over Sheffield, and it is a second level of defence (I'm currently exploring this as I think I have more to work through than CBT allows, but I have had some progress from that in the past, and everyone is different).
Also worth talking to your GP anyway as you may or may not get a bit of relief from meds (eg I believe sertraline is one - unfortunately I can't tolerate it but that's just me; it's done wonders for some friends with anxiety). It may well be that a combination of that and CBT works for you. But start with your GP or self refer for therapy (link below).
If you want more info, Mind are great.
I have done the CBT a few times some of it was ok. However last time I was asked if I knew who headway were and I could ring them which I felt was passing the book. That’s the problem I don’t think you ever recover fully from this but it does get easier to deal with when you know how. I’m glad you are getting help but it sounds like the road I have already walked up and down or maybe round in circles for years.
I have taken certraline and a few other ssri type tablets but all gave me no mood at all after a period of taking them. The last tablet was better helping me sleep matazapine but again lost effectiveness and I wasn’t sleeping even with the tablet so stopped taking them. I have seen people on the site before quote “no magic pill”!
I have found my own ways of dealing with this and feel I have ways of coping but always keep looking just in case I can put another piece on the jigsaw to make things easier.
Thanks for your reply and hope it works to give you some relief.
Ah fair. Are you wondering about OCD help or help with the brain injury? Have you been to the Sheffield brain injury rehab unit? Though the help they're giving me is limited tbh.
No I don’t have OCD but just wondering if it was a result of your injury. I know that depression is a direct result of my head injury but have looked for other things for years job, people, life situation have all taken the blame. I don’t do that anymore.
How I feel like not wanting to get up or just the inability to motivate to do things is hard but head injury the gift that keeps on giving. Chemical in balance just the damage sustained I don’t know even if I find out it’s just how it is. So make the most of what you have. I try now to do things to change how I feel it’s a constant battle. Laughter is one look at the funny side of everything if you can smile things don’t seem so dark. Exercise is brilliant.
I have been to the rehab unit and last time was given the exact extent of the injury and negative plus positive things as a result of it. I keep that in my phone as a reminder that’s why I’m like I am. They are not able to fix it that’s the problem and I don’t need to be rehabilitated so Im left in the loop that’s my life. Get depressed get ok get depressed get ok on a loop. I think im better at managing it now but ask me that when things go dark.
Hopefully Alistair at the rehabilitation place kept growing the sun flower seeds I gave him. The big bloke with the beard I’m sure that was his name.