Carnivore diet: Hi folks, Has anybody tried the... - Headway


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Carnivore diet

Matt2584 profile image
10 Replies

Hi folks,

Has anybody tried the carnivore diet?

I believe depending on what people eat reflects their overall health.

I've been through a bit of a rollercoaster with diets, not certain plans like the Slim Fast diet but just different Ways Of Eating (WOE).

I used to follow a vegan diet for about 5 years and this included taking supplements as well.

My health was slowly diminishing and in November 2022 I went out for the day with my mum and bro and my walking was noticeably bad and was slow on my feet as well.

After a chat with my mum I decided to ditch the vegan thing and I was more interested in the carnivore diet and high fats/low carbs.

To begin with I was probably following a more kept diet as I was eating some plants but more meat and a bit of dairy.

After a few days I noticed a big difference with my walking. It felt so much more comfortable to walk. I was quite amazed and I was much quicker on my feet too.

But shortly after that December 22 arrived and this is the time of year where I people are more exposed to sugary, indulgent foods.

This interfered with the carnivore diet and that comfortable feeling in my legs had gone. I was still pretty quick on my feet though.

In January 2023 I got to concentrate more on the carnivore diet and I lowered the plants even more and had more animal fats (meats, yogurt, cream) but I fluffed it up in the end. I had way too much cream.

I was probably more dairy over meat in the end. I had also heard from other carnivore fans that they stuck to the definition of the carnivore diet and ate meat and eggs only, no dairy or low, and if they go off the wagon and eat say, a biscuit, they would feel horrible for a few days.

I didn't like the sound of that and it put me off.

After 7 months or so, I ended carnivore for the moment (After I put weight ON not OFF) and I went back onto eating plants as well as meats.

I wanted to balance out the plants and meats and have no or low dairy. but I fluffed that up in the end too.

I was eating more plants over meats again and my walking got bad... again.

I get involuntary stiff muscles in my leg when I walk. Spasticity is what it's called.

Wether the spasticity came from my brain injury or from the vegan diet is debatable.

I personally think the spasticity came about MAINLY because of the vegan diet.

I acquired brain Injury since 1996 and I was able to walk unaided but had balance problems.

So as I was saying, my walking got worse, it was stiffer to walk and slightly painful but it got to the point where I could hardly walk.

I feel like the left knee muscle has overworked itself.

it was quite worrying and I have used muscle rub on it and done certain exercises but I have also turned to the carnivore diet again.

I'm really going to concentrate more this time and eat more meat over dairy, no cream for me. I shall eat some plants but nowhere near to what I did before.

I've had quite a bit of meat over the last few days and my leg has improved slightly, not massively but it is giving me hope that I can fix my leg with this diet.

There is a lot of MIS and DIS information on the internet so be careful what you look into and you do what is good for you.

Apparently, a lot of people have bettered their chronic pain and other inflammation via carnivore diet.

My friend was vegan for about 9 years and more vegan than I was, I was flexitarian and ate a little meat. Can't get rid of bacon :).

Anyhow, she suffered with a lot of inflammation and swelling.

She went on a strict carnivore diet for about 3 months and cleared up all that inflammation!

She is a role model for me and I so wish I never went overboard on the dairy when I was carnivore. But sometimes if I like the sound of something I can go a bit overboard with it.

So I've been at home resting my knee a lot but am now trying to get more meats and fats into my system.

Take care everyone,


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Matt2584 profile image
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10 Replies
paxo05 profile image

Hi Matt,

Is it a high protein diet you are after. This is commonly gained from meat but other sources are beans and pulses.

If your vegan diet was low on protein then that could explain muscle problems.

This you would need to explore as its some years since I studied nutrition and diet. I only mention this as my wife is currently on a high protien diet ( health reasons) and its surprising the difference it has made. You would be amazed what high protein foods are out there.

We are not naturally herbivores so plant eating is not that healthy. That is not saying vegan is unhealthy if you get your protein intake still.

Good luck with the diet/ lifestyle eating,


Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to paxo05

Hi Pax,

I don’t really know if it is a high protein diet I am after.

I mean, when I was near-vegan I was eating the protein-filled seeds and greens virtually all the time.

Now I mostly get the protein from meats. Steak/beef is the best meat to go for.

There is far more nutrition in meats and eggs than what we are told.

Your definitely right when it comes to plants not being healthy for us though.

Plants have oxalates and lectins which are the plants mechanism to thwart insects and can be poisonous to humans.

Thank you :).

I’m going to concentrate more on this WOE this time around and not go overboard on the dairy.


Steveau profile image
Steveau in reply to Matt2584

Hello mate.

I didn’t read the whole of your post because I just need to tell you what has worked for me recently.

After stumbling on some you tube and other social media posts about food, I began doing the following.

I don’t eat ultra processed food, and I certainly limit any processed food as much as possible.

I’ve cut out bread almost completely because supermarket bread is full of stuff that’s not good for you.

Do some research and see what you make of it .

Sugar is bad, even sweeteners are bad because they still cause an insulin response.

All the emulsifiers, stabilisers, and other additives in processed food cause problems for your body.

Check out Professor Tim Spector and the Zoe posts on you tube.

Look at the foods that will help with your gut health.

I have lost a lot of weight over the last 3-4 months very easily.

Not feeling bloated after food now, or hungry between meals.

I’m not snacking at all. My body feels energetic and I’m doing much more exercise easily.,

My advice is to look at how to eat proper healthy food, not fake healthy food that comes in packets .

Once you discover what to do and start doing it, I promise you it is really simple and easy to lose weight safely and you won’t be using any supplements or any other nonsense products.

Good luck 🤞

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Steveau

Thanks for the reply Steve and I’m glad carnivore has helped you out :).

If you did read more of my post, you would have known that I was near-vegan for a few years, that ruined my health and I went carnivore for about 7 months.

Only 7 months cos I fluffed it up.

Once I came off of vegan and started carnivore, probably more keto, I noticed a bit difference with my walking.

Shortly after was Christmas and the sugary, indulgent foods got in the way.

Jan the next year was when I got to concentrate on carnivore but I ate way too much cream over meat and I shouldn’t have done that.

I gave up carni and had a diet of meats and plants but wanted to balance them out so I was getting what I needed from both sources.

That was what I wanted but again fluffed it up.

I found myself earing too many plants.

And again, my health got worse or my walking did anyhow.

Too the point where I developed muscle pain in my left leg and could hardly walk!

Anyhow, I’m back on carni again and I’m focusing more on the meats, no cream at all. Just a little yogurt. And it’s helping :).

I am aware of the nasties deliberately placed in our foods and plants have oxalates and lectins in them which are poison to humans.

moo196 profile image

I'm a 40 Yr + vegetarian and couldn't read too much of your post without thinking about other great sources of protein (legumes /pulses/nuts).As I've gotten older I know I have to pay attention to all of my diet to keep things ticking over.

Pairofboots profile image

Hi Matt, humans are generally omnivores, which means we can eat most foods. The thing is we need a balance. I don't know what proportion of protein, fibre, etc equates to balance. It's been a long time since I had a balanced diet. Pre my hiccup, I could create a three course dinner from the basic store cupboard. Now I can spend a day staring at the fridge trying to imagine what I can create and still end up with the simplest concoction. Diet changes over time depending on the demands your body. Weather vegetarian, carnivorous, or omnivorous, we need a balance. Each diet has its pros and cons, but all require balance.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Pairofboots


I’ve heard this ‘It’s all about balance’ and ‘to eat things in moderation’ before,

However, I don’t agree with that though.

Pairofboots profile image
Pairofboots in reply to Matt2584

Thing is that balance is dependent on your body. Everyone requires certain nutrients, but dependent on age, exercise, life style that balance will vary. Yes there are recommended levels, but the problem with recommendations, they are only a starting point that require fine tuning. The thing is with a diet plan that leans heavily on one theory often omits groups of nutrients that are required. It sounds like eating should be a simple subject, we all do it, but to us layman is actually quite complicated if we dig into it. Eat what makes you happy, in moderation......

cat3 profile image

Hi Matt. Immediately prior to, and ever since my brain injury, all red meat has tasted vile and my sense of smell is completely lost.

I've been out of action for the past 11 months with a knee injury, and the boredom means too much dark chocolate (which I will address once I'm mobile again).

But I otherwise eat pretty healthily with plenty of greens, avocados, pulses, chicken, eggs and fish.

Ian mentioned balance for the ideal diet and I tend to agree. ...(not with excessive chocolate though).

I have old fashioned tastes such as fish pie.. .......poached fish beneath a layer of toasted carrot & potato mash, plus dark green cabbage or broccoli.... 😋

Hope you find your most suited WOE m'love ! x

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

Hi Cat,

Chocolate may not be the best for you mainly cos of the sugars involved and other additives but dark chocolate is best. Just not in large quantities.

You might want to try putting a piece in your mouth and sucking on it until it’s gone, that way you have spent more time eating one piece.

It’s better than gobbeling the lot in one go :).

I didn’t know about the red meat and sense of smell, that’s a shame :(.

Well, yesterday I had a mixed grill at a pub (lot of meat) then later in the day I had a bowl of granola with a lot of natural yogurt and a sprinkle of frozen blueberries.

Yes… frozen blueberries. These are from Norway :).

So I’m eating a lot more meat now, no cream and am eating a small amount of plants and I feel good.

I had a good lie in today :).

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