My headaches, can't seem to get rid of them lately, and I have the least understanding family possible, all I seem to have in this world are my girlfriend, and 2-3 close friends, iv got no1 else
Headaches and family: My headaches, can't seem to... - Headway
Headaches and family
Hi Phil
there may be a few things that you and the people around you can help with.
i would suggest a few things if possible -
reduce your caffeine
reduce sugar intake
reduce any 'quick and easy' meals as packed with so many chemicals who knows what its doing to anyone,
work out any stressing factors in your life - and see if they can be resolved, reduced or removed
families may not understand but sometimes from my own experiance (im around 23yrs new me) but headaches can be long time.
would also look at getting eyes tested - see if there is anything that gets picked up there - eye strain when looking at a screen on laptop or phone can cause headaches.
and be thankful you have a good woman and few close freinds - a lot of us lose those in the early days and continue on with little to now support appreciate them too.
Hope this helps you out in some ways.
Kind regards
I would agree with what’s been said already, also make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids to avoid headaches due to dehydration. If you are worried about the headaches, and I guess you are, push your GPto schedule a CT scan. I wrote to my neuro-surgeon and listed all the symptoms I was experiencing and was worried about. Like you, I don’t have many people around me. I live with my partner in Ayrshire but my family all live in the Edinburgh area. My closest friend also has her own health issues that put mine in the shade. We are always here to listen and give support.
Having had side effects with Gabapentin, I hope to start Pregabalin today. It is worth discussing pain with your GP.
My brother means well but keeps making ridiculous suggestions about exercise that ignore my paralysis and mobility problems. He seems to think buying a walking stick will be a miracle cure…
I feel so bad for you if your family are being unsupportive. Unfortunately BI is one of those things few truly understand unless they experience it for themselves (which hopefully they never will). My advice would be to try getting in touch with people in a similar position - maybe a support or Headway group.
Good morning Philcragg
Got both T-shirts, don’t like it but not a lot to do about it but stumble on. Look in every direction you can think of for help and support - local Brain Injury Service, local mental health services, local Headway group, local council services, local MP, etc. Don’t take no for an answer off anybody, you have to help yourself even if you don't know how.
Family - stuff 'em and forget.
Headaches and any other aches (mine come and go) - train yourself to ignore as best you can
It's bloody hard work and at times thoroughly demoralising but nobody will do it for you, of that you can be sure.
Best wishes