Chris led the way by bringing the reality of brain injury to the attention of parliament. The whole current system is unfit for purpose and it seems things will start to change this year.
A realistic strategy for brain injury may be comin... - Headway
A realistic strategy for brain injury may be coming this year. A knighthood for Chris Bryant MP.
I've been watching this potential movement x
I hope some things do shift. If they shift in the UK , it increases the likelihood of it shifting here in Canada as well. We could sure use it.
Canada has already started the shift, Ontario state is miles ahead of the rest of the world. Move to Ontario.

What facility is it in Ontario?
(Ontario is a province, btw - states are in the US, not in Canada. We would typically say "the province of Ontario" rather than "Ontario province".... though generally we just say "Ontario rather than "province of".)
Just for some perspective on how big Canada is, Ontario is about 4500 km from me, 41 ish hours driving... that's like going from... oh, say London to Syria. (By jet it is about 5 hours one way and 6 the other - tail winds make the difference.)

Was there a particular place PV? I have a friend who lives in Ontario and I'd like to pass it on...he used to live near me but moved back there where his family is ( so better for him).Leaf
Yay! That man deserves every accolade going. Let's keep pushing and supporting him, the BI charities and each other and we WILL get some positive action and change the way brain injury is perceived x
Sorry for this negative slant Pink but any well intentioned MP is a voice in the wilderness against Tory bluster. Their Pie in the sky claims of millions in investment in public services is galling to hear when our vital public services are depleting at an alarming rate.
Outside jam-packed A&E depts., seriously ill people wait in ambulances then, once indoors, wait many more hours to be assessed. Then there are more hours of waiting on trolleys in corridors to be admitted. It's frightening, and hospital staff are at their wit's end.
Failing a miracle we're headed for the US model of paying for healthcare whether or not we can afford it. Chris Bryant is one of the good ones and, in a Labour government, might well have enough backing to deliver his promise.
It's a big ask for honest, principled MPs on either side, to break through the barriers of false promises and business deals..
Cat x
I hear you Cat, but the clincher is the cost, at least £15 billion a year, it costs more to do nothing than implement change.

Absolutely Pink ! Not so much 'Good men' doing nothing as not so good men holding the purse strings...
I remember being on a hospital ward during the doctor's rounds when Labour won the 1974 election. The staff hooted, hugged each other and cried with joy when the news came through.
definitely life challenge!! Can only know if u suffer one? With one we lack the ability to name all the limitations?!! Good luck!!