What household chores have you ticked off your lis... - Headway


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What household chores have you ticked off your list today?

bonfire profile image
29 Replies

It seems we all struggle with maintaining an ordered home!

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bonfire profile image
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29 Replies
Kirk5w7 profile image

some days I don’t do any, other than cook and load and unload the dishwasher.

I clean the shower after I’ve used it and clean the bathroom.

I’ve had a pile of ironing for 5 days now, I will do that soon.😬


moo196 profile image
moo196 in reply to Kirk5w7

5 days?! mine is usually only done every 6 weeks

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to moo196

I don't iron at all if humanly possible - I've learnt to fold everything into the airing cupboard - it mainly works, I think? 🤔

Nemo24 profile image

I saw this and thought yes someone understands. Can keep up with bathroom cleaning and kitchen sink washing but then..... That's probably a good way to describe it. I can see dusting needs doing. I know it needs a duster to wipe surface but then the thought it gone. It's still there to do the next day and same process happens again. I know I should be concerned that house feels a mess but not even getting that feeling to spur me on. Any good tips would be welcome from me too

moo196 profile image
moo196 in reply to Nemo24

I definitely only dust annually 😅. even now I am better. Life is too short to be doing housework and one shade of dust grey is the same as another one.

Morinagirl profile image

Bane of my life. Hate to see what needs doing and not be able to do it. I try and do at least 3 things a day which I call tasks and complete them so I am going forward rather than back

Writeronstack profile image
Writeronstack in reply to Morinagirl

Yes I aim for 3 things or 20 minutes on the tomato timer. Good days I get it done. Bad days I don't even remember. Had a medical appointment today so done nothing. Feeling really tired and "overloaded". Yes, dusting - now the duster and I never were good friends. ... I need to throw out half the contents of the mantle shelf, if I am to pick up the duster purposefully without that sinking feeling. Currently half that shelf is dusty, and the other half sparkling clean. Looks most odd.

Chelle3069 profile image

I find personally myself that if I make a list the night before what it is I want to do the next day it helps to get the things done. If I don't my brain gets too overloaded and nothing ends up being done.

MimiSpree profile image
MimiSpree in reply to Chelle3069


Painting-girl profile image

Oh bonfire, thanks for posting this, I totally struggle. I think I just get by really.

To be fair, I prioritise getting out of the flat to get to do nice things like the art group instead - which is possibly easier to do as it's a habit - and it makes me feel competent and happy (still can't get over the joy of being able to sit with a group of other people who also mainly want to sit silently in the quiet . ..😊)

Well I vacuumed this week and put out the dustbin - so I feel pretty good about this, it is not a weekly occurrence...

I make a lot of lists and am just resigned to ticking them off in no particular order.

I sometimes still think of three things that have to be done the night before and just write those on my notepad. That usually works. If I haven't written anything down - or worse finish a notepad, before getting a new one, I'm sunk -despite having remainders on my phone and my calendar.

If everything seems overwhelming, I've learned to work out the one thing that is really bugging me and literally do that one thing - have found that just a shiny bathroom basin can cheer me up no end even if the rest of the flat is greatly in need of tlc. There is oddly no particular reason why one aspect of a chore, like the basin, will be more upsetting than say, the washing up or cleaning the bath... or why it cheers me up so much to get it done - it's weird!

Charlie90 profile image


am abit obsessive about this

Even more so post bi

But I feel like a clean organised space makes for a clear and organised mind

but I do understand it’s very hard to maintain.

I am very lucky to have a local lady clean for me once weekly doing all the things I can’t like washing floors etc.

I minimalised and de cluttered my space completely

I only have 1 plate/bowl etc for me.which minimises dishes to wash

I have a spare set stored away for a visitor

and wash as I go don’t let dishes add up

1 load of laundry every day

I never ever iron anything!

I also follow something called

The fly clean method if you look it up on google to find out the details.

It really helps me to keep on top of things

Best wishes to you.

I hope you find something that works for you. The above are just a few of my own tips

skydivesurvivor profile image

can’t find my to do list!!

skydivesurvivor profile image
skydivesurvivor in reply to skydivesurvivor

pin it to a board, or by the kettle? Me it’s post it note on front door 4 what I go shopping 4. Else will buy crap, key in door as my one working neuron goes PING!!!

Charlie90 profile image
Charlie90 in reply to skydivesurvivor

I have a diary next to my medications and coffee cup which I check every single night before bed and first thing in the morning.

also have a

Daily to do list note in my phone which I add stuff to and delete them when I’ve done them?

I do not claim to be an expert or to have all the answers.

but I have developed my own methods and have an amazing neuropsychologist

Who has given me advice/tips for all of these things for 3 years now

I hope you are well x

just a few ideas.

MimiSpree profile image

i planted 50 tulip bulbs today, and I feel like a superhero! I miss gardening, but the looking and moving up and down is followed by extreme dizziness and exhaustion. However, there's a short planting period, so I picked one area, sat down in the dirt and did it! I didn't get up once, so my dizziness wouldn't get out of control. Tomorrow another 50 tulips to plant, because I forgot I already ordered 50, and ordered 50 more. Oh well...

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to MimiSpree

Well done you! The trick I've found with gardening (and bulbs)is to stop before exhaustion kicks in, so perhaps three quarters of an hour and then stop it's really frustrating not to finish the job in one go, but is better than keeling over. Tulips will still come up even if planted after Christmas by the way ( less chance for the squirrels to eat them too ) so you can pace yourself.

I need to start digging mine in too...

I've did the double ordering thing as well last 😆

Chat2U profile image
Chat2U in reply to Painting-girl

Good tip. It's hard not to keep pushing until you physically collapse when you get such a short period of productivity isn't it. Could to with a little elf on your shoulder to call time on an activity whilst you're still functioning so you're not using up tomorrow's spoons in advance!

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to Chat2U

Oh yes Totally, Chat!

Chat2U profile image
Chat2U in reply to MimiSpree

Classic! 100 tulips is so much better than 3 bottles of ketchup or 6 months worth of hand-wash though! It's like your brain forgets to tick it off when it's done isn't it?! Triangulation issue apparently. Not that naming it helps really! Laughing is best!

MimiSpree profile image
MimiSpree in reply to Chat2U

Six months worth of hand soap isn't too bad. Hey! Stocking stuffers!🙃🙃

skydivesurvivor profile image
skydivesurvivor in reply to MimiSpree

good idea!! We now have to work around the normal!!

MimiSpree profile image

I have been paying for planting those tulips for two days. Yesterday and today I woke-up and my first thought was, "I don't want to be me today." Mybe I am a Pollyanna, or I am not that clever, but I never had that thought before. I can feel the depression taking hold, and my coping tactics loosing their grip. Ugh, the constant battle gets old.

Chat2U profile image
Chat2U in reply to MimiSpree

I take it you've gone through the peaks and troughs of depression before?

Hard not to when it's a daily struggle without reprieve.

Good that you recognise the signs though.

How do you try to manage it so it's a short lived episode rather than a 3 month dip into the darkness?

MimiSpree profile image
MimiSpree in reply to Chat2U

My pets help. Also, I review the past month or so, and I can usually look at some accomplishments and feel proud of myself for being able to do what I can, most days. It took a brain tumor to allow myself to feel proud, and I am grateful for that. Should have done it years ago.

skydivesurvivor profile image
skydivesurvivor in reply to Chat2U

finally getting help!! People who understand my position!!! Pester u Dr. Crisis was good too. Good luck

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to MimiSpree

Oh Mimi, so sorry - I had a spell like that, Inthink it was when I was consistently doing a bit much each day, and I just felt rough all the time. Sending hugs

Chat2U profile image

I tried to sort the house for the cat sitter before I went away for 4 days. After the double whammy of covid/flu vaccinations on same day, and during the tail end of a 6 week crash. Needless to say my house is marginally tidier and I crashed even further and never got on bloody holiday! Again!

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to Chat2U

Oh no Chat! I can do that before nice things and be too tired to enjoy them - it sucks, doesn't it? I'm not sure how we get around it, I try and start tackling a list a couple of weeks before - but you would have been caught up in the jabs too - definitely a double whammy

skydivesurvivor profile image

true,especially when vision is impaired as well!! Never thought I’d be glad lost mum?! SHELL!! She’d screa whenever I let her visit

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