Hi folks,
I just finished off this picture of the BMW that will be my dad's father's day card.
I actually drew this piece straight after I posted the picture of my mum's begonia picture which was nearer the beginning of the month! I managed to draw this in 3 weeks! I surprised myself there :).
I posted a drawing of a BMW before, it was my friend's BMW and in the title, or comment, I called it a.... well, apparently I can't say the whole thing cos I might cause offence... SOMEHOW.
But anyway, what it was I said was completely harmless and did not cause any offence.
It was like making up your own acronym for FBI.
You might say F***ing Big Inuit or Clearly Idiotic Arseholes for CIA.
It's not exactly offensive and it can be a way for people to remember a certain acronyms :).