Hi everyone. My first time here and just getting my head around it. I am a year into having had a tbi and doing well just thought it was about time I talked to people in the same boat (not a boat I would normally want to be on!).
Introduction: Hi everyone. My first time here and... - Headway

Hey Joe, glad to hear you are doing well. I joined this a few weeks back, just before I was phasing back to work, to get some examples of other people's experience of going back. Like yourself this is not a boat I ever wanted to be in but now I am I have almost accepted it. This group has been great for gaining a first hand incite into other people's journeys following their own or someone close brain injury.
I have read through lots of the previous posts and have picked up some great tips. There are always people around who are willing to share what it was like in their journey, provide advice or point you in the right direction to get your answer.
Hi Jhoe, welcome to the forum. Re your bio, how are you coping with work?
It's going well thanks. Work Monday and Thursdays at the moment at an sen school. In a new role (previously a teacher). Leading certain areas of the school. A new job role itself comes with challenges let Alone everything else that has come along with it. But im able to channel my passions again which is good and learning how to express my needs!
Welcome to the forum Jhoe. This is a safe place to ask anything you feel you need to. Nothing is too big or too small or too small. If you think it and want to chat, the community is here. There is a wealth of experience from carers and lived experience of brain injury. Any suggested medical solutions should not be followed without consulting a professional. We are all expert's about our own experience.
If we are unsure how to answer anything we will suggest you talk to your GP, your care team, or that you contact Headway, their contact details are pinned to this page. 🍀
Hi Jhoe .. I have been in this group for possible a year now but I don’t more reading and only post occasionally .. they are a good group of people who’s support and knowledge are great from what is a very difficult place to be at time’s .. Im sure you will get a good incite into a very different world TBI and other head injuries have to deal with . Still struggling on bad days to get my head around it but on good days I’m more than positive about the fight to get back to what I’m happy with … I’m a lucky one I’ve improved dramatically in the last 12 months and wish you well in your recovery . Sue