Wanna be communicating with staff in my Supported Living, place. Would be good to be talking, somehow. Dunno how to be doing it, though, because I don't see any staff around.
Wanna be communicating with staff in my Supported ... - Headway
Wanna be communicating with staff in my Supported Living, place.

Dear Radelagun,
I too live in 'Supported Living' so I should be able to Advise you. Do you have a Key Worker, assigned to you? You, almost certainly, do have Radelgun. In the first instance Ask, by whatever you normal route is, to speak to him/her. If you get a Response, that way, then Speak to your 'allocated' worker.
If you don't get a Reply/ Response, within say ten days, then Write/ Email the Company's Head Office- explaining exactly 'what' it is, that you need/ require...even if it's 'only' an occasional chat.
Do 'do' these actions BEFORE you anything else- being Generous here- perhaps with Covid and all, you have simply fallen 'through the cracks', as it were. Maybe a, gentle approach, from yourself, might elicit one back, worth a try?
The Management are 'up against it', at the moment, and this is NOT the time for Heavy Handedness Radelgun. I'll 'bet' that you Will get a Favourable Reply, especially if you are 'understanding & polite' yourself.
Can I finish by wishing you both Good Luck and a very Merry Christmas.