Does anyone know how to contact PIP regarding my claim I'm 14 weeks in now and only had 1 txt in September and heard nothing since I struggle with phone calls but I need to know what's happening. Thanks in advance👍
Pip: Does anyone know how to contact PIP regarding... - Headway
Hi. The number is 0800 121 4433. Best of luck.
Thankyou Marnie22 it's much appreciated I've just got to summon some strength to phone them 👍I've had a conversation with some1 today and she said that not hearing off them about an assesment is good and I should ring them as soon as I've got more supporting evidence of who is on board too it just takes so long to hear off them its unreal..thanks again pal👍

It's horrible having to wait. It's such a long, drawn out process. I reckon they hope we will wither away before they have to pay out! 🤫
Mate I'm at that point atm but I know pip is needed for me so I have to see this too its end I'm thinking wait til next week when I speak to the doctor and then phone them if I havent received my award letter by then..what's your thoughts pal👍

Sounds ideal a good plan. I hope it all goes smoothly.
Don't bank on it being a good sign, the not hearing, it happened to me, I waited, then when I did phone they had cancelled the claim weeks before.
Yeah I'm telling myself this too I'm speaking to my doctor next week and take it from there I can speak to him about my Bi properly I have my pip form evidence saved so I'll ask to send it to him so he can support it..I'll not stop jumping up n down about my disability till they hear me lol thanks for yor comment 👍
Hi stammers, don’t get disheartened but it’s not a quick process. I applied for pip for my husband last December, he is badly affected by his stroke.but it was August before we had a decision. I rang loads of times over the six months,I even lodged a complaint but nothing seemed to speed the process up.I hope yours comes through quicker.
I think the PIP process is way behind because of COVID. I was on another site and they are way behind with the assessments. Be prepared to have to fight them, they don't recognize Brain Injury, they assume that you get better, and it's not a lifelong disability. Hope you hear soon though.
I had to get my local MP involved cause wasn't getting anywhere with pips and they never answered they phoneMy advice is, if you can't get though on they phone line find out who your local MP is and drop them email explaining how difficult it is mental and emotional without money coming in
Yes its a long process. My daughters pip was due for renewal march, she has a mobility car as she has brittle bone disease. They said it was extended because of covid, she is still waiting now for decision. Shes tried phoning numerous times just keeps being told she has to wait. Now shes not sure if her car will be taken or she has to order a new one as hers is 2018. When you have an incurable disease where there is no cure its a very anxious time having to keep going through this process every 3 years. Shes suffers a lot with broken bones, pain and anxiety, this really dosnt help. then theres me with a brain injury but i dont qualify as i have enough mobility and just on that edge i guess where my brain function can keep me in a sort of job.
Hi, I had some problems with PIP when claiming for my husband and they are very good at fobbing you off until you give up or they cancel your claim. I have always found going into see my local MP is a good way of getting decisions and answers very quickly. My husbands PIP was sorted out in a few days after seeing our MP. It is worth a try for you especially if you see your MP face to face explain your problem & how it is affecting your health on top of everything else, it worked for us, so good luck.
I'm thinking pip have contacted my doctor as hes made me a telephone appointment next week so he will be getting exactly what I suffer with and have done since after my accident I shall keep in mind the MP advice thankyou now I'm armed with the right understanding of my tbi now so I feel empowered to see this until its end the pip will come eventually I've struggled my whole life so I can wait I just dont get it takes so long to make a decision lol