Trying to find someone to help my son who is severely depressed following a TBI
TBI depression : Trying to find someone to help my... - Headway
TBI depression
Hi, Lisamarsh,
I am certainly not qualified on paper to advise, but since TBI four plus years ago have come to have empathy and understanding of what depression can feel like. Can you or your son expand a bit more?
Hi Lisa. Please can you tell us more ; for example what type of brain injury your son sustained, how long ago, and any following surgery/treatment/therapy. Hope to hear from you soon. Cat..
Hi Lisa, depression is a fairly common occurrence following a brain injury.
Why? There are numerous reasons, loss of self, loss of status, loss of social contact, the particular part of the brain injured, messages getting lost in the brain, hormonal changes to name a few.
A neuro-psychologist and a neuro-psychiatrist are best at addressing depression. The treatments are the same as with any other causes of depression, but do need the neuro input to treat.
Like with any depression, the earlier the treatment starts, the better the outcome, the GP can get the ball rolling.
Hope this is of help, I am happy to try to address any specific points.