Hi all,have a quick question that's been bugging me, after a SAH last May,I keep getting pain on and off but only down my left side,same side as my anuersym,any advice please,thanx hope you are all ok. X
Rockyblue238 : Hi all,have a quick question that's... - Headway
Hi Rocky, I can't find any references to your treatment in your history ; was your bleed coiled or was it clipped ? x
It was clipped Cat x
OK Rocky. I only asked as my bleed was coiled involving the insertion of a catheter through an incision in the groin on the same side of the body as the aneurism, and up through the artery into the brain. So I wondered, though unlikely, whether there could be some nerve damage or infection from the procedure in your case.
But as clipping provides direct access to the aneurism, pain elsewhere is probably unrelated. I suggest you speak with your GP about the pain or, alternatively, call the hospital where you were treated and ask to speak to the specialist neuro-nurse or the consultant's secretary to see what they think.
It could be a completely separate issue, but as the pain coincides with your SAH it's best to get it checked out. Hope you get it sorted ! Cat x